I’m Dan. A 36 year old father of two who doesn’t have nearly as much time as he needs to do half the things he wishes he had the time to do.
You’re right. But in the interest of no stupid questions I thought I’d ask anyway, because…you know, what if?.
And thanks for the grammar lesson, I didn’t ask for that one but I’ll take it on board.
Thank you.
I think I saw a show 20 or so years ago that tried to debunk this and obviously either they messed up, or I wasn’t paying attention.
(The show was called Brainiac).
Don’t worry. If she’s anything like her Father she’ll be more interested in Eugene Debs than Donald Trump.
She used to. We’ve put a stop to YouTube though because she turns into a little demon after watching it.
I’m already half way there being a big NHL fan.
Joking aside, the scene where Tywin schools Joff on how no true king needs to say that he’s a king is peak GoT. Absolutely incredible writing, acting and production from all involved.
Teach me!
I watched that when it came out but the scene with the father and the tree is still firmly planted in my head.
Is it considered a staycation if you get a caravan for a week? Or is that below the Guardian?
Firstly, Chorley.
Secondly, I should rewatch Phoenix Nights. It’s been like twenty years, it’s time.
As for where I’m from? Walkers Crisps and Pork Pies.
Firstly, I upvoted the post because I’d like to see more discussion in this community rather than mere news.
As for your idea about spoiling your ballot. I’m not sure I understand the point of spoiling if you yourself would admit that you’d happily vote Green. Vote Green (if possible).
A sudden uptick in votes for other parties might do more to get the bigger parties to take notice then drawing a dick on your ballot paper.
I’m a Labour member and I don’t want to see them get this sort of majority. There needs to be some sort of functioning opposition to keep them honest and to serve as a threat that the good times won’t last forever.
I don’t for one second doubt that there’s some serious problems with Ofsted and how they conduct their inspections. I do however wonder if those being inspected are in the best position to decide if we need to blow it up.
Based on these comments it’s absolutely Long-Covid. I mean, I’ve never had COVID before, and I’ve got two very young children who spread disease like you wouldn’t believe…but it’s definitely Long-Covid.
Nah I’m fairly sure it’s the fact that I live with two people who spend most of their time sticking their filthy little hands in and onto things that have previously been touched by other, equally as filthy little hands.
Kids are disgusting.
Might also explain why Cricket is so popular. Obviously it still requires a fair amount of physical exertion but it’s definitely a bit more laid back than something like Rugby.
I never leave home without a towel so that won’t be an issue.
If you don’t have the legal choice to end your life, then is it even really your life?
I mean it was called Brainiac and it did have John Tickle walking on top of a pool of custard. Are you suggesting I was wrong to use that as my foundation for all knowledge??