Not to mention: the old people (the ones with money) can’t see them.
Not to mention: the old people (the ones with money) can’t see them.
Flip phones with 7 day battery life, including 20 hours of talk time?
Depends on how you measure things. If you pie-chart the internet by bandwidth used, most of it is currently used for TV 2.0 (streaming video, mostly by subscription.)
While I was doing OS-X stuff, I remember Darwin just being a really painfully bad implementation of the apt functionality in Debian based Linuxes… Potaytoe, Potahtoe, Darwin is like burnt house fries, IMO.
For clarity, I have done it myself - plenty, but not just on Unix boxes.
I had a remote relay box: 8 channels of power control, so I could at least power cycle machines from remote when all else failed.
I actually ended up not using it much at all, it was a nice security blanket, but the last time I decided that I wanted to power cycle something was about 6 years ago, and at that time I realized it had been over 3 years since I had previously used it, and that usage was more of a “let’s make sure this thing is working like I think it should” test.
It’s not Unix, it’s you.
prompt Trump for his opinion on
the mananything to force him to take a side.
That’s how you get banned from the press pool.
True, but everyone paying for “broadband internet” is paying that premium for the fat pipes to carry video on demand.
The communication, socialization and creation space might use less than 10% of the bandwidth, less than 0.1% if you take video out of it.