So the past of the internet?
The original web 3 was supposed to be a return to form of web 1, with the good stuff of web 2 and decentralized. Then cryptobros hijacked it
Yes and, We’re taking it back.
There’s more than just lemmy
The future of internet is you have to ask your government for permission before you can visit foreign websites.
There is no longer “Internet”
It will be suceeded by:
Freedom Net (where “Antifa” is Banned, and you need a swastica armband to get access)
Euronet (where UK just left, again)
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland(they noped out of the UK, and re-re-joined the EU) -
Putin’s #1 Digital Fan Club
中华人民解放互联网 (People’s Liberated Internet)
And that’s it, Canada and Mexico got Invaded by the US; while UK, EU, Russia, China all fought over the remaining of the world
(okay maybe my worldbuilding is ridiculous, but the world is collapsing and I want to write a story about my predictions of the future mm’kay? 😉)
Basically forums
Thank fuck the corporate silo era is (slowly) coming to an end. And they tried so hard to turn it into TV 2.0.
Depends on how you measure things. If you pie-chart the internet by bandwidth used, most of it is currently used for TV 2.0 (streaming video, mostly by subscription.)
I really don’t consider streaming services to be the “real” internet. It’s video on demand, and not a communication, socialization and creation space like the rest of the net.
True, but everyone paying for “broadband internet” is paying that premium for the fat pipes to carry video on demand.
The communication, socialization and creation space might use less than 10% of the bandwidth, less than 0.1% if you take video out of it.