• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Jfc what’s with these pedo apologists. If someone were a cannibal, would it be totally fine to just give them human flesh removed from surgeries or dead people? Maybe let him pay people to eat them and drink their blood? AI images are trained on actual CP and CP anyway should not be normalized. If someone has ideation of violence then the last thing you do is feed those ideations. Would you think a suicidal person should watch simulated suicide? Why would watching simulated acts of depraved violence because you enjoy them somehow prevent you from committing that act yourself? If you enjoy something that much then you are thinking about doing it yourself.

  • Because people aren’t familiar with them and need to be made aware of what they really are. Too many people don’t see the damage these trolls cause because they get blocked and only see the complaints and I’m realizing that defederation has worked in their favor. If anyone actually read the shit they post they would realize they are conservatives trying to make the left look like psychopaths. They appropriate LGBT and other social justice causes in order to attempt to infiltrate the left and rot it from within. Also, they use liberal as a slur.

  • I mean I’ve seen the videos. It’s no worse than what I’ve seen in nature shows. Earth is a violent beautifully bloody place. There is nothing more abundant than the slow tearing of flesh for nourishment as the unfortunate prey suffer their last breath. It’s impersonal and necessary. I like animals and treat any animal I encounter with kindness and that’s not mutually exclusive to embracing the raw animalistic instinct in us that makes us formidable hunters and incredible at processing a carcass to its maximum utility. If i didnt have access to farmed meat i would not think twice about hunting that same animal. Humanity has figured out ways to use the bones, the collagen, the hide and organs of an animal and fully appreciate these gifts. While we definitely can make improvements on how to raise and harvest I am not ashamed of the fact that humanity has had the ingenuity to take control of our own nourishment and mass produce food that once used to be inaccessible to everyone but the wealthy. I have watched these videos and I’ve seen different slaughtering techniques. The sheep’s purpose is to reproduce to feed other animals. They don’t create or advance. They exist because other animals need to eat them. If we can feed ourselves without upsetting the natural balance I’m all for it. Humanity reproducing and spreading, building, changing the planet, rivers, swamps and other habitats is what is actually harmful to wildlife and yet these things continue to happen. We insist on reproducing and while I’ve seen plenty of hope with the advent of birth control and education, we still are a threat to biodiversity. Want to reduce meat consumption? Keep up the low birth rates! We can do it!