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Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I wholly agree that it’s unethical to charge $thousands for a product that costs pennies to make. And yet, that appears to be the business model becoming more and more common, or at least more unapologetically blatant.

    Healthcare, for example; insulin and epipens as the poster children. Gouging in post-pandemic grocery and consumer staples prices. The ballooning of C-suite compensation in service industries, while wages for those doing the service regress with inflation.

    Journalists may be dropping the ball, but they have to keep their “engagement” numbers up, too. They may be dropping the ball because exploring ethical lapses may feel like headlining “water is wet!”

  • Wonderful article. Really good illustrations of how deeply imbricated in language structures our value systems and our ability to conceptualize are—the Whorfian hypothesis. Makes me wonder about the impact of Americans’ disdain for languages other than English. Elsewhere in the world, it’s not uncommon to know several languages fairly well, even if one has little formal education; here, it’s a terrific oddity for even highly-educated people. American college students scream bloody murder if you tell them they have to take a language; some Americans are openly hostile to others speaking anything other than English among themselves.

  • Witch hazel on a wash-cloth, full body wipe-down. Also, a bandanna soaked in water, wrung out, placed in the freezer until it’s stiff; moisten just until it’s pliable, wrap around your head like a sweat-band (especially over temples). Large medical-grade icepack (used for sprains) also from freezer; wrap loosely in a towel to avoid skin frostbite, place on chest.