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I shamefully admit I almost pulled the trigger on a Tesla Model S Plaid back in 2021 or 2022. Flush with a shit ton of cash, but fortunately I was reading reports of production build quality issues, many recalls, and ultimately pulled back my deposit.
Looking back at it. The one decision I have no regrets on.
That’s the part I never understood. Even if you weren’t a Musk fan boy and before Musk showed his true colors, Telsa has always, ALWAYS been shit quality. I remember back in 2015, or so, there was a video of someone finally getting their Telsa and it had a massive crack running the length of the driver side A-pillar, yet they just ignored it.
I’ll have to be honest and admit back when I was in high school or so, I was enthusiastic about electric cars and his seemed like some of the best. He was also opening up the charging standards so that there could be a mixed playing field. Back then, I was likely ready to dismiss small critiques as the retaliation of the fossil fuel industry.
God I hate old me.
Saw a Tesla today that someone stuck an old Rover badge on, cracked me up
Elon is getting slapped by the invisible hand.
fun fact: the people who originally coined the phrase ‘invisible hand of the market’ called it ‘the invisible hand of providence’ which basically means ‘gods inscrutable will’. capitalism-at least market capitalism-is literally a religion.
and its god is smiting his favorite special boy. so sad.
I think this hand ain’t invisible. Well at least one finger isn’t.
Yeap. Too late to sell now.
spacex and starlink need to be the next to go.
Space X should be nationalized
It should be a part of NASA
Honestly I’m surprised Elon hasn’t killed the SLS and given SpaceX that contract; it’s one of the few things that would both benefit him and increase the efficiency of the government. He’s probably scared of Boeing suiciding him.
We did pay for it.
We’re still giving Elon $80 million a day.
im in favor of any company these fuckers were on the board of or were allowed to hold substantial shares of being nationalized as punishment, if we don’t end up with some form of communism or blasted wastelands after all this. The capital class needs to be shown consequences, and if we don’t get guillotines, they need to at least be forced to watch us sautee their balls.
The brand is forever damaged. Sell while you can.
I feel bad for Nikola Tesla having his name associated with all this nonsense. Not even death let him escape from rich assholes taking credit for the work of others.
If it makes you feel any better his first name has fared just as poorly in terms of automakers lmao
His legacy can live on with Dr Parkinstein. (Parker Edmonson)
if Nikola Tesla weren’t a eugenicist i’d agree with you
it was the turn of the 20th century; everybody was a eugenicist. that’s why we say ‘people from the past sucked’.
Imagine disregarding the entire domain of Tesla’s work - changing the entire world as we know it with his research and innovations - and the comment they need to make for online points is some virtue-oriented pat-me-on-the-back-im-ethical blorp about random social norms of the time. lol but cry.
yeah, dude was so good at electrical shit I literally cannot comprehend how he got to some of his ideas from where he was.
I’m so glad that I lost my job in 2016 and had to cancel my Tesla Model 3 reservation. When I eventually got a better paying job in 2017 I played it safe -assumed I could lose it at any moment- and bought a Chevrolet Spark which has served me well.
Carvana bought mine at a decent price. I imagine the coming glut will have them refusing to buy Teslas outright. Other enraged Tesla owners should unload theirs asap.
Good on you for having principles. Unfortunately a lot of Tesla owners are limp dicked piss baby champagne socialists who’d rather just put a 5 dollar sticker on their bumper instead of selling it.
Not everyone is the position to sell their car, especially at huge finacial loss. So they buy the stupid sticker to make them selves feel a little better.
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network and in a time before Musk went from eccentric billionaire to an out-of-the-closet Nazi.
Now anyone buying one new today, that’s a different story (Which makes it harder to sell the damn thing).
Why the fuck are you defending this shit?
Also I am tired of hearing about how Musk only recently went insane, dude has been off the rails for as long as I can remember.
Eccentric billionaire? My ass dude, he was an asshole and insane always for anyone paying at least a little bit of attention.
It just finally caught up to him and now everyone wants to cry wolf that has been supporting him? Fuck off.
With as strong and emotional you seem to feel about this topic, I sincerely hope you have never used an iPhone, used Facebook, bought a product off Amazon, taken an Uber ride, or consumed any Nestle products.
If you’ve eaten a single hot pocket, you have no ground to stand on here.
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What do you want to have happen? The car exists and is in an owner’s hands already. Elon doesn’t make any more money no matter if they sell it or not. It’s environmental waste to simply scrap it. What are the options, here?
I dont give af what happens. Defending people buying a car made by a Nazi madman is simply pathetic.
I didn’t think they were defending it. The reality is some people live in a bubble and don’t pay close attention to the media, and switching cars is not exactly an easy thing to do without getting fucked over.
Many people are upside down on their car note, and when you trade in with negative equity on a car loan, that negative equity gets added to the new loan balance. It’s kind of a big deal for the average person.
Switching cars isnt easy but buying an expensive one made by a madman is?
You mean the car they have been paying down on? That’s less expensive
Buying a Tesla made by a Nazi is one of the most expensive and dumbest things you could ever do.
I had Tesla sales reps at my WeWork office one week back in like 2019 iirc. They had a very aggressive sales campaign for a while at least. One even offered to have me test drive a Model 3 right their in the parking garage, which I declined.
So yes, they were making it very easy. Have you ever had car salesman show up at your office?
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network…
Until relatively recently, if you were an American who wanted to buy an electric car and wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t be stranded somewhere with a dead battery, Tesla was literally the only option.
I had all of those things and didnt buy one as many others. Crazy that when you buy a car from a nazi lunatic things dont work out
What are you talking about? Most Tesla owners are progressives. This whole thing is a gut punch to Tesla owners.
Lol, a lot of rich people are rich assholes, that’s nothing new. Think Bezos is saint, how about that one CEO who made people go to work during a flood, did you like Brain Thompson, Ulf Mark Schneider - do you even know who that is?or back in the day when they used to lock workers in the factory or shove children in the mines.
The rich have always been assholes, Musk is just more public about it. 5 years ago, he was just another rich owner of a company. The company made something good, so people bought it in support of the product not specifically the owner and his values, just like every time someone buys a nestle product.
Your argument that 5 years ago he was just another rich person is utter bullshit. I remember him a decade ago being legit insane.
Again, everyone just wants to cry wolf now that has been supporting him
I can guarantee you that 95% of car owners don’t know the name of the CEO of their car company. Most people who bought Teslas years ago didn’t know or care who Elon Musk is.
You’re out of touch, my man. 90% of the population aren’t paying attention to what rich people are saying and doing. Pretending that everyone that bought a Tesla 5+ years ago knew that he was an insane asshole all along and are now feigning ignorance of that fact to save face doesn’t make it reality. But whatever, keep getting worked up over something that doesn’t really matter at present.
That’s nice not everyone payed that close attention, they got sold a car and are now stuck with a shitty reputation by association. Some people are afraid to drive their car because they’ll get harassed by people who can only see telsa driver = musk supporter.
You could blame the buyers for their ignorance, but its pretty normal to have no clue who the CEO/owner is of whatever car brand you buy. How many can name 1 beside Musk or Henry Ford?
“huge financial loss”
So why do these people buy these expensive cars they can’t afford in the first place?
Surely they would’ve made a good financial decision and bought a used Toyota at a fraction of the price if their finances weren’t in order?
Well, being financially stupid doesn’t mean you’re also a “limp dicked piss baby champagne socialist.”
It don’t matter how they got the car. They could have saved up for years, have been cutting costs elsewhere in life, or just have a well paying job; buying a car at 40k+ and selling it for 20k, especially if they still have 30k left on the loan is a dumb move even for the financially illiterate.
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Some people reallying don’t understand arp. Also staus symbol and they could have brought it realozed they are underwater on the loan and are stuck with it.
Yup, They are also rich privileged extremists that were fine supporting a madman until shit hit the fan
The customer service part… 😂
Our team will handle all the paperwork and finer details of filing insurance claims and police reports to provide you a smooth transition of ownership and plausible deniability.
That should be higher up on the page, since that’d be the primary value of that service.
Excellent work by someone there. I love the customer service agent with the ski mask (who can barely keep a straight face) lol
Please be real.
It really is a website that can be linked to!
So is The Onion.
Nice idea, but what if I want my tesla set on fire instead?
Well then you’re in luck because that might already be a feature of the model you have!
Pour a bucket of water on it
I have one that’s nearly 7 years old, fully paid for and still works well. I hate having to own any car and environmentally, the best car is the one you already have. Getting an equivalent car at a reduced trade-in price would cost 20k and I would do it on principle if I could afford to.
BMW and Mercedes both supported Nazi’s during the holocaust and I believe they should receive the same treatment but it’s been the better part of a century and they’re still here. I’d go so far as to argue that cars are just consumerized war vehicles that a civil society has limited use for given the potential benefits of mass transit.
Oil companies bribed and lobbied against clean, efficient, exciting transit decades ago and were all poorer for it.
BMW and Mercedes both supported Nazi’s during the holocaust and I believe they should receive the same treatment but it’s been the better part of a century and they’re still here
If people knew what the Nazis were planning to do back then, they might have boycotted BMW and Mercedes too, strangling them in the crib. Americans know what Nazis are; they were literally our biggest enemy and our greatest military victory, and the vast majority of Americans oppose Nazis. I think the only hesitation seems to be that people either don’t believe Elon actually is a Nazi, or that they think he’s just “TrOlLiNg ThE LiBs!!!11”.
Getting an equivalent car at a reduced trade-in price would cost 20k and I would do it on principle if I could afford to.
That really sucks, and I don’t think you are a Nazi… but you’re driving a BMW in 1933. You’re not going to get any sympathy from people on the right side of history.
How is it in any way relevant what German car makers were doing 80+ years ago? Unless you also think all modern-day Germans should be “cancelled”.
Apart from that I agree, the American car lobby has been terrible for public transport development and green energy
Because they and many other modern car companies supported nazi genocide and fascism for money that I don’t think it’s a coincidence we’re seeing the same with Tesla. Time doesn’t change the past.
Unless it’s the same people in charge of the company as it was in 1941 then it doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that many German companies have a terrible past, but they’ve long since taken a clear stance against it. There is literally no correlation between these German car brands and Tesla. It matters what they do today (and possibly the recent past).
If you want to boycott things over the distant past you literally couldn’t use anything.
Tesla deserves this because of Elon’s current actions. If he steps or gets removed and Tesla continues to operate with a different philosophy there should be no issue with them in, say, 15 years.
I disagree on it mattering, and there are plenty of correlations including executives with histories across the auto industry. These companies aren’t as nimble or efficient as their branding suggests - they’ve operated with the same tactics for decades and the holocaust was not that long ago. Id argue the only thing that’s changed is corporate rebranding & propaganda because a new image was profitable, not because they magically became altruistic. Companies that escaped their problematic moments should not have escaped them - the fact that they did is itself problematic. ‘I’m sorry’ is not payment enough for profiteering off of genocide in my opinion. Well aware of how many companies are problematic, I just think we can do better.
Focusing on Elon for his actions right now is a great step and focus area tho!
So, if the Volkswagen Group car brands all dissolved and the people in charge created a new company that’d be just fine? Why would we boycott a company for what happened 80 years ago? We can just build a wall around Germany then.
What exactly is problematic? The past has happened and it cannot be changed; how you deal with it is the only question, and the Germans in particular have dealt with it admirably. It only matters what they do with they’re given. Nothing is static, especially not a company which is just a reflection of their owners and employees.
Would it make you or anyone happier if we drove in Skodas rather than Volkswagens?
I agree that public transport could be much better. But there are a lot of people that don’t live in a city and no amount of public transport is going to reach everywhere. There still needs to be vehicles of some type. I wish more rural roads in this country had bike lanes
The difference between BMW and Mercedes, and Tesla right now is that BMW and Mercedes are not currently supporting a fascist. Germany went through decades of reform and reconciliation for its fascist choices. America, and particularly Tesla whose CEO is instigating and wholeheartedly supporting the early stages of the current political reshaping, is currently going one inch further into fascism every day.
I agree and it’s an important distinction but it’s also a big asterisk. Fascism is on the rise again in Germany (and many other places) call corporations have one value and it’s profit, they’ve proven over and over they don’t care about people. If fascism becomes profitable again what do you think they’ll do?
Also my comments are regarding auto corporations not Germany as a country.
Who is buying all these Teslas that Tesla owners are all selling because nobody wants a Tesla?
Nobody which is why the used market on them is crashing.
They are called “people”
White people are selling, Indians are buying. Every Indian neighbor I have owns at least one Tesla
It’s not just Indian. There’s an Ethiopian church down the street, every sunday our block is full of Teslas, two of them are cyber trucks. So weird.
I’m not sure there going to be able to give those things away.
Seems to me, at this point, this is a bit like owning anything with a swastika on it in 1946.
@juergen@feddit.org “Fuck Elon” is becoming the punch buggy of this generation.
Combine a toxic brand with a level of ridiculously poor Quality Control we haven’t seen from a US automaker since the Saturn brand, and you get a price point/distressd asset that PE will be looking at. They’ve already calculated the value of selling Tesla for parts and just waiting for the stock to hit a number to act. Elon is so over leveraged, there will be nothing he can do to stop it.
Ill give you $200 for the battery, the motor, and some chonky relays if you scrape the branding off.
I saw pics of someone that rebadged their model 3 I think it was with an Audi badge, and if you knew nothing about cars it looked believable.
I saw one with the Mazda logo that looks pretty good
I reckon the Mazda badge is a good call as the tesla 3 has the vibe of a Mazda I think.
I rmemeber rocking up to guys place to buy a sofa and his mum was there, I said I really liked her Hyundai Coupe and she said it wasn’t one as she’d got different badges on it. Found it so funny that it was a nice looking car at the time but she clearly couldn’t cope with the idea of owning a Hyundai
It’s hilarious
I was joking with some friends about doing exactly this. Schuck it down to just the battery and minimal drivetrain, and make a very heavy go-kart.
There are people who use tesla parts to make electric car conversions
I just looked up the motor, that’s a bit bigger than a living room coffee table project. I may regret my offer.
What are you gonna make?
Hopefully a better car.
I’ll be 100% honest, I don’t know but I like to think I would at least get the motor going for a little bit before it melts and stinks up the house. Just like most things i play around with.