• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Would I get a tattoo, no? Do I like them on others? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    I have never thought that they were particularly creative, if anything I always felt quite the opposite.

    That feeling was confirmed when I was invited to a tattoo expo with a friend, there were perhaps 70 exhibitors, and all of them had the exact same or highly derivative trendy designs, and I think two of the exhibitors had unique art. That really said a lot to me.

  • Boost died today. I’m done with Reddit forever.

    When the API fiasco went down, I backed away from all the communities I created over a decade ago and just walked away from modding.

    Now I go to not participating.

    I hate Reddit, and I have fun memories at the same time. I was like the 50th sign up, I even emailed spez his own source code because he had his web server badly configured to report verbose errors.

    Oh well.

  • I just would like to show something about Reddit. Below is a post I made about how Reddit was literally harassing and specifically targeting me, after I let slip in a comment one day that I was sober - I had previously never made such a comment because my sobriety journey was personal, and I never wanted to define myself or pigeonhole myself as a “recovering person”.

    I reported the recommended subs and ads to Reddit Admins multiple times and was told there was nothing they could do about it.

    I posted a screenshot to DangerousDesign and it flew up to like 5K+ votes in like 30 minutes before admins removed it. I later reposted it to AssholeDesign where it nestled into 2K+ votes before shadow-vanishing.

    Yes, Reddit and similar are definitely responsible for a lot of suffering and pain at the expense of humans in the pursuit of profit. After it blew up and front-paged, “magically” my home page didn’t have booze related ads/subs/recs any more! What a totally mystery how that happened /s

    The post in question, and a perfect “outing” of how Reddit continually tracks and tailors the User Experience specifically to exploit human frailty for their own gains.

    Edit: Oh and the hilarious part that many people won’t let go (when shown this) is that it says it’s based on my activity in the Drunk reddit which I had never once been to, commented in, posted in, or was even aware of. So that just makes it worse.

  • I went and read the research.

    I’m not an expert and as such can’t really analyze it fully. But what I took away is that it aimed to test a part of new theory by with a very narrow measurement, using early-universe density oscillations. They left dark matter out of the equation with the new model, and it was a smashing success if you’re willing to overlook that it requires the universe to be a completely different age than it is… In short, this is shenanigans.

    edit: I’m fine being wrong if I am, I’d love to know more from informed readers. That’s just what I took away https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ad1bc6#apjad1bc6s3

    edit2: It also presumes the “tired light theory” is true. Tired light is the flat earth of astrophysics/cosmology. Yeah, there are contrarian knuckleheads in every discipline.