WASHINGTON - Impeach Trump Again, a nonpartisan campaign led by Free Speech For People, announced today that they have collected over 250,000 petition signatures in support of an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. The announcement comes on the heels of Rep. Al Green’s recent House floor speech that he would bring articles of impeachment against the president.
“The Constitution has a remedy for a corrupt, lawless president: impeachment,” says John Bonifaz, President of Free Speech For People. “Donald Trump has already committed multiple abuses of power since assuming the Oval Office again, and he must be held accountable. More than 250,000 people across the country have now joined this call for impeachment proceedings against Trump. We urge all Americans who still believe in the Constitution and our democracy to join us at this critical moment in our nation’s history. And, we urge Members of Congress to follow the mandate of their oath of office, stand with Congressman Al Green, and invoke the power of the Impeachment Clause to address the direct and serious threat Donald Trump poses to our Republic.”
Because those previous impeachments really changed things…
For the millionth time, using the system to attempt to fix said system will never change a thing.
Last time, he was out of office, so it was a little gray. This time they don’t have that excuse.
But they also aren’t going to convince the Republicans to go along with it this time either, and even if they do, we’re still stuck with Vance, another anti-democracy turd.
The first impeachment was December 2019. You’re right, though. The system is stacked heavily in his favor right now, and getting Trump out isn’t going to make everything magically better. Vance and Mike Johnston are next in line, which… isn’t good.
Yes and no. They system is designed for sustainability. However it’s been 3 elections since we had a chance of fixing it. We had a chance with Obama. But now they have the Supreme Court and gerrymandering. It’s an uphill battle.
We need this to be 25 million
250,001 actually!
And my axe!
I also signed the petition.
The system does not work against those that simultaneously run the system and do not recognize the system
Do they not realize who has the Senate and House? It’ll be like the first term all over again, where Republican will kiss his ass to protect him.
Oh my God I am so tired of this back-and-forth.
When people say it’s not strategically sound to impeach, everyone says the Democrats have no spine. Now they’re calling to impeach, and it’s “what’s the damn point?” Are you fucking kidding me?
They’ve never had the votes to convict at literally any time. Should they never have gone for impeachment in the past? When is it acceptable to? Where is the line?
The last potus was directly responsible for Clarence Thomas. Half of the dem fuck heads don’t even have the decency to blow smoke up their constituents asses. There has never been an easier time to be one. There’s nothing they can do and every second they do nothing their portfolios get a little bit better.
I would trade a million of your signatures for a trumpers thoughts and fucking prayers every day of the week. At least trumpers are trying to destroy themselves. Dems and liberals are self-serving, self-preserving capitalist cancer.
Yep. Impeach because it’s the right thing to do, and get all the Repugs on record defending the Traitor Trump.
I think the line is doing anything outside the clearly-nonfunctional system to stop the MAGA cult. All they’re doing is complaining and wasting time, Republicans will dox and threaten with violence. The people that were elected to fight this are almost literally bringing pens and paper to a gunfight.
It’s honestly pathetic to watch a curbstomping being responded to with, “well im gonna write such a scathing letter about this.” The Democrats are absolute trash and need to be shamed for being such cowards about this.
So… They should bring guns to congress?
They should stop doing the things they’ve been trying and failing at for ten years. 2024 was the end of the old ways, IMO; the Democrats lost so badly and so definitely that there’s no point in pretending there’s any going back.
Nice dodge.
What SHOULD the Democrats do?
So, first off: calling out someone for repeatedly doing the same thing that isn’t solving the problem doesn’t require having a better answer. If I was trying to solve global warming by duct-taping cats together, you could point out that it isn’t working without solving global warming yourself.
- Lead general strikes
- Refuse to follow the rules of order
- Organize protestors everywhere any Republican congressman goes
- Stop pretending that being civilized is getting them anywhere
I think we all know they won’t do any of these things on their own, they need to be shamed into it. Without their supporters turning on them, the Democrats will continue doing nothing because it’s what their donors want.
So, first off: calling out someone for repeatedly doing the same thing that isn’t solving the problem doesn’t require having a better answer.
Fuck that shit. Tankie bastards are always criticizing Democrats but offering no alternatives. We should be demanding solutions purely as a shibboleth to weed out propagandists and their useful idiots.
Refuse to follow the rules of order Stop pretending that being civilized is getting them anywhere
Can you elaborate? This is pretty vague.
I agree with you, but that doesn’t mean impeachment isn’t something that should be done as well
I’m sure the Republicans in control of the House and Senate will get right on that. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.
When Nixon was forced by the Supreme Court to produce the tapes (as opposed to the transcripts he had offered), shortly thereafter, once the tapes had been reviewed, it became clear that Nixon would be impeached.
A delegation of Republican representatives went to Nixon at the White House (several of whom were some of his most ardent supporters)and informed him that if he did not resign the house would vote to impeach, and the senate was likely to convict.
Back then there was a much stronger lean towards country over party, as well as a sense that facts existed. We also had a president, who - despite being evil in so many other ways - had actually read the constitution, and believed in the founding principles of the nation.
There were many heroes during Watergate. Among them, Sam Ervin (Democrat) in the Senate, and Howard Baker (Republican) - chair of the Senate Watergate Committee.
Soon, Trump will do something that will ensure that none of the current Republican house members can get reelected. Once that happens, support will collapse in the house and he will be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.
They will then put the couch-fucker on a very short leash, since he does not command nearly the kind of frothing, insane, mindless, idolatry that the Orange Cheeto currently enjoys.
At the end of the day, impeachment is a political act. Put all the GOP house reps in peril for the midterms and they will drop Krasnov like hot rock.
You assume there will still be real elections. There has still been no investigation of the odd increase in bullet ballots (just president votes) in swing areas. Elon and Musk continue unimpeded while Republicans are avoiding their town halls to speak to it.
Yeah, I think the bullet ballots percentage anomaly is the smoking gun. I think at least a couple of the swing states will quietly investigate. Nothing would please me more than to see their scheme exposed. People really have no idea how few ballets and precincts needed to be compromised for them to have gotten the swing states this time. REALLY close in so many. 7.5% bullet ballots in swing states compared with more like 1% in the no swing states right next door.
I love how Trump is suing Ann Selzer, the pollster for the Des Moines Register in Iowa, because she put out a poll showing Harris winning Iowa. He’d better be careful. If she goes back and validates her poll, she should be able to pinpoint exactly which precincts produced the anomalies.
We need to keep the visibility up on that.
They’re not planning on having further elections.
Americans still being gullible idiots thinking this will do anything while bad actors a running rampant 🤦♂️
This time it’s really really urgent tho. What a clown country
If we impeach, it needs to be Trump and Vance together.
That just gets us the guy who tells his son when he’s watching porn
How else would you be able to jerk off together?
IIRC don’t the special elections due to presidential appointments potentially put control of the house up for grabs again? It’s been a while since I looked
Where do I sign?
Here Free speech for People
Oh wow, didn’t expect and answer. Thanks.
Good for the American people.
Ultimately won’t matter. Even if he’s impeached (again) he has too many bootlickers/supporters/fear mongers in the Senate to convict him. It simply won’t happen.
They could have 1,000,000 signatures. The result will be always the same when the man you are trying to impeach personally owns the military.
If you were in the military would you follow orders that are unconstitutional? Which is to say, an order that requires you to suppress the American people?
I would hope service people would see what is happening and say no. But that’s a hope more than anything.
UCMJ obliges members of the armed forces to not obey unlawful orders. Problem is they don’t teach law when you’re in, and some of this shit can get awfully complicated, and that’s excepting the mountains of propaganda.
That’s being said, we are fortunately not yet seeing the military of the US being used to suppress American citizens. But maybe tomorrow!
Phew, there’s still time! Tomorrow’s Sunday though and I usually go shopping. Maybe next week?
250k that’s it?
250k have signed this particular petition to date - not “only 250k Americans want to kick Trump out”. The effort began less than two months ago - it’s a start.
Oh ok that makes sense. Gotta start somewhere.
It’s still worth signing anyways, but realistically, 250k over two months is not something they’re going to listen to.
That is a lot of people if you’re looking at it in absolute numbers, but it becomes an easily-ignored drop in the bucket when you compare it to total population and growth of the movement over time. It’s less than 0.1% of voting-age citizens (or 1 in every 1000 people). Ignoring the fact that petitions are always front-loaded in signatures and quickly lose steam, if it kept going at the rate it’s going, it would take over a year to even be 1% of people. Even by 2028, that would still be an insignificant amount of votes thanks to the winner-takes-all electoral system.
There’s simply no incentive for them to care.
Is this a garbage Change.org petition with all the weight of a ‘Which Hogwarts House Are You?’ quiz—just a social engineering trap to sell your data and flood your inbox?
Look, I want that fucker out of office more than anyone, but these petitions are worthless. Stop citing them like they matter. Signing one isn’t activism—it’s the political equivalent of ‘thoughts and prayers.’
Do something!
Not that!
That is not doing something. That is signing up to receive spam. But I’ll pray this petition is different. Which is doubly useless, being an atheist and all.
I will give you that it will likely never result in a change in power, AND that doing this and nothing else is a waste of time.
But protesting in whatever ways one can is still useful. We will always need to do more, but sometimes we are also desperately searching for anything at all that we can do.
It’s disheartening seeing ‘the left’ continue to blame each other for not being better allies and taking more effective actions. It may be deserved but… goddamn (also atheist here) we need to keep the blame where it belongs, with the fascists, so that we tear them down instead of each other.
I haven’t seen the petition. I would absolutely sign it.
yeah, you don’t need anywhere near that many signatures for Congress to take action.
but with rump being such an actively terrible president, it’s not surprising they got so many signatures in only a few weeks.
Im sure your democracy is as strong as ever and will fend off this threat.
Fucking idiots.
Impeachment lost all meaning long long ago
No, it didn’t, in the same way that the existence of liars doesn’t diminish the meaning of truth.
Half of Americans are fascist partisans. That sucks, but it doesn’t mean ethics don’t matter, and pretending otherwise is pathetic.
What impeachment is, at it stands, is futile. No system can function as intended when half of the people in it are bad faith actors.
Over 250,000 and 1. I wasn’t counted in that.