I used to think I hated vegetables as a kid. Turns out I hated my parents “cooking”
This is why Americans aren’t allowed to make fun of British food.
Not even comparable😂 Americans look back at this and laugh or cringe, Brits still eat their old-timey slop
Hey most of us stopped eating that way.
And started eating way, way worse
My man
Most of that looks like it already passed through a person once.
At least once…
…the brown slop on the left could easily be a two’fer!
fun fact, that plate has lead in it.
Actually that wild rice dish looks fine. Mirepoix, manoomin, cream of mushroom… bit of seasoning and it’s a nice hearty dish in the winter.
Meals like this are exactly why I don’t ever use condensed soup in anything I make. I’ve had a lot of meals like that growing up. My family, my grandparents, my friends families… My wife still will make stuff like this sometimes. It’s all just lazy mush to me. I can’t stand it. Even my mother-in-law, who makes her own soup stock and makes bread and has her own chickens will make condensed soup and canned green bean mush. I just do not understand.
Yes, that is what home made food looks like sometimes.
You’re not in a restaurant, the “cook” isn’t payed, and presentation is not high on the priorities list if you also have to do dishes, wash clothes, and organize life for the family, possibly in addition to a job.
Bruh I cook at home all the time and it never just looks like baby shit.