Meals like this are exactly why I don’t ever use condensed soup in anything I make. I’ve had a lot of meals like that growing up. My family, my grandparents, my friends families… My wife still will make stuff like this sometimes. It’s all just lazy mush to me. I can’t stand it. Even my mother-in-law, who makes her own soup stock and makes bread and has her own chickens will make condensed soup and canned green bean mush. I just do not understand.
Actually that wild rice dish looks fine. Mirepoix, manoomin, cream of mushroom… bit of seasoning and it’s a nice hearty dish in the winter.
Meals like this are exactly why I don’t ever use condensed soup in anything I make. I’ve had a lot of meals like that growing up. My family, my grandparents, my friends families… My wife still will make stuff like this sometimes. It’s all just lazy mush to me. I can’t stand it. Even my mother-in-law, who makes her own soup stock and makes bread and has her own chickens will make condensed soup and canned green bean mush. I just do not understand.