Because nobody actually listened to and took seriously what they were saying 30 years ago.
Fun fact: After 9/11, various songs evoking 9/11, such as ‘Learning to Fly’ by Tom Petty, ‘Stairway to Heaven’ by Led Zeppelin, ‘It’s the End of the World as we Know it’ by REM … all banned from airing for about 120 days.
And literally everything from Rage Against the Machine.
Other fun fact about this?
This censorship wasn’t done by the FCC.
It was done by ClearChannel, aka iHeartRadio, aka, the corporation that now owns or controls basically all terrestrial radio stations.
Why are all of their songs still relevant 30 years later?
Because humans are fucking stupid and history always repeats itself.
All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
Until conservatives and authoritarians stop getting their way.
A few weak men are indeed making very hard times
The problems are systemic and the humans in the system are incentivized to perpetuate the system.
Its not stupidity.
Because the problems they raged about are systemic, and the system didn’t change.
It did change, though. It got significantly worse.
Because we never eliminate the root cause
It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.
Because nobody actually listened to and took seriously what they were saying 30 years ago.
Fun fact: After 9/11, various songs evoking 9/11, such as ‘Learning to Fly’ by Tom Petty, ‘Stairway to Heaven’ by Led Zeppelin, ‘It’s the End of the World as we Know it’ by REM … all banned from airing for about 120 days.
And literally everything from Rage Against the Machine.
Other fun fact about this?
This censorship wasn’t done by the FCC.
It was done by ClearChannel, aka iHeartRadio, aka, the corporation that now owns or controls basically all terrestrial radio stations.
Warpigs is still banned by Clearchannel
I did not know that.
Hooray for the enshittified cyberpunk dystopia.
Because those that work forces are still the ones that burn crosses