• 4 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • Ok, so, she didn’t criticize Spencer in the same video she describes herself as an ex-MSFT executive producer… she’s criticizing the Concord producers… for basically poorly managing the development.

    Here she is in an earlier vid criticizing Spencer:


    And here is the later Concord vid where she basically blames the devs of multiple MSFT projects she was an executive producer on for just not listening to her.


    Like… I agree with her general message of ‘feedback from players is important’ and ‘don’t vastly misjudge your target demo’ but like… you were the executive producer and … you say your dev teams weren’t listening to yourself, and you are portraying yourself as the player advocate…

    So … shut down development if they won’t listen? Pull the funding, or threaten to?

    Or, if you were just an advisor and tangential contributor with no real power… then what was your job?

    What were you being paid for? Talking at people for them to not listen to you so you could then be smug about it later and just bounce around companies based off of your own clout?

    To me this is the exact kind of bullshit that leads to games with massively inflated budgets and design by committee:

    You have all these corpos that don’t really do anything other than have mixed at best track records, who all act holier than thou and all are somehow involved in development basically so they can network and build their resumes, with little to no actual care that their unnecessary involvement blows up entire studios and ruins the careers of actual coders, level designers, artists, etc who actually make the game.

    All these excess people who just generate conflicting demands and unnecessary meetings and emails that require extensive reworks… otherwise known as bad management.

    Specifically to Concord, we saw how the lead art design person on twitter went from towing the company line about how great the whole project was to basically flipping 180⁰ after the game was canned and saying that development was excruciating with art being redone and redone by committee and then all the higher ups refusing to acknowledge any of their role in the process.

    Its… Its the nature, seemingly, of nearly every single large studio these days that corporate office politics rules all, everyone has to play the game of humoring all the opinions of these overpaid execs, and then when shit blows up, nobody takes accountability for anything and everyone instantly becomes piranhas seeking a scapegoat.

  • On the one hand, I am glad this is finally happening.

    On the other hand, I am 99% certain my father, who’s worked at variously the Everett and Renton plants his entire adult life, is continuing to be a scab, as he has also done his entire adult life.

    Raised me on Rush Limbaugh, last I talked to him he was a Q Anon nut that believed Antifa did Jan 6th and Tom Hanks’ son rapes and kills children for their adrenochrome.

    The 1% uncertainty is not from a 1% chance he might actually also be striking, its the 1% chance he’s either retired or died from a heart attack since I last spoke to him.

    Either way, fuck Boeing.

  • Well, I’d say 100k to 300k qualifies as more money than I’ve ever made in a single year of my life, more than I’ve made in my entire life if we go closer to 300k…

    But what I meant was that the ultimate hiring process is dictated, signed off on or altered, all the way down, by the wealth holding members of society. The top execs, the board.

    And that the society created, and largely owned, by their policies is essentially gaslighting us every day.

    Have you ever spent an entire year applying to jobs… as a full time job? After having had a career, losing it to a disability, then trying to go back after years of recovery?

    With maybe one reply every few months, despite being qualified for everything you are applying to?

    Becoming depressed as everyone around you spends the first month giving you mindless cheery platitudes, then forgetting you exist, then becoming angry when you tell them you can’t afford to do anything that involves money?

    Then when you finally cave and go work some bullshit job you are immensely overqualified for, everyone blames you for not living up to your potential?

    They made it, it worked out for them, why didn’t it work out for you?

    Even though it never once occured to them to maybe help you out monetarily and avoid going into massive debt, or by putting in a good word for you with their network of contacts.

  • Other posters have already come up with Huey Long, Charles Coughlin, Joe McCarthy, Lyndon LaRouche…

    No American Presidential candidate before Trump has been so widely popular whilst also having a cult following of people who basically believe in an entirely different reality whilst also being so brash and brazen about it.

    There have been demagogues before, with cultish followings, but they’ve not been anywhere near as popular as Trump.

    To attempt to add a few:

    Technically, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, attempted to run for President back when Mormons were basically what we would now call a domestic terrorist group, and when most non Mormons viewed them as a dangerous cult.

    He was assassinated by a mob, who stormed the jail he was in whilst awaiting trial for treason and other charges, before the election took place.

    Also, you might be able to consider the fairly brief existence of the Anti-Masonic party at least somewhat akin to the living in a totally different reality attribute of MAGA people.

    Basically, following the inciting incident of the Morgan Affair, where a William Morgan was apparently planning to publish a book outlining the evils of a Freemason conspiracy to control government and business in the US, but he was jailed, a bit of a circus trial ensued, and then he disappeared.

    The Anti Masonic party was the US’s first third-party and basically it was built off of what we’d now call conspiracy theories stemming from the Morgan Affair, and called for Masons to renounce their fraternity or to be uprooted from positions of prominence.

    Much like the modern MAGA movement, it was full of highly religious conspiracy theorists, but it didn’t really coalesce into also being a cult of personality around any of their more prominent members the way such reverence exists for Trump.

  • The deforestation of the Amazon is largely driven by a desire for more land to grow biofuels (sugarcane) on.

    The byproducts of sugar production (the leaves and stalks) are used to produce ethanol from a biological, renewable source, as opposed to fossil fuels.

    Oh, and in the Amazon, said sugarcane farming is often done by slaves.

    You either need more farmland to grow what will become biofuels on it, or you have to stop growing food on existing farmland, which means food gets more expensive.

  • I have no inclination or standing to doubt you.

    Hrm, Im on mobile, shittiest phone in the world, but maybe you can read these images. I can’t copy paste the latex formulas so… lemme see if i can throw this all in a spoiler so it doesnt take up half this thread:

    First few pages of the article

    Another conjecture in physics is whether the Einstein-Rosen bridge (ER) and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR or entanglement) are physically equivalent. The ER=EPR conjecture awaits rigorous proof [3]. This work also provides further proof of this claim. This work is different from other attempts at unification: (i) string theory, which still lacks experimental observation of extra dimensions [[4], [5], [6]], (ii) loop quantum gravity, which still faces challenges in its compatibility with the Standard Model [7]. In our study, we assume that the new equation should be written in a unitless manner on the Planck scale. Current physical models require at least ten physical constants. Meanwhile, there remain only two constants used in this framework: Planck length and Planck time. In addition, the proposed equation can explain the Gravitational Wave Background (GWB) observed over 15 years by NANOGrav [8].

    Applying the Onsager principle on reciprocal relation to the Einstein field equation (EFE), we infer that if a mass can create a curvature (EFE), the curvature can also create a mass. We recap the Ricci tensor before proving each claim in this work. An important concept inferred from the proposed equation is that relaxation of the curvature can create a mass. Because this is a theoretical work, it is organized by topic rather than by an ordinary experimental article structure.

    After this its images as I cant copy pasta latex

  • Millennial here: I think what Gen X and Boomer authors mean when they say ‘GenZ is more tech savvy’ is basically just that they use social media apps on phones and play video games, and that more of their culture derives from such things.

    Maybe tech-immersed would be a better term.

    As far as actual tech competency goes?

    Yeah I agree with you. Phones and apps are generally reliable enough now that there’s far less need to figure out anything under the hood, unlike in my day where you kind of had to learn more about a system to do what is now common, and you had to type on a keyboard.