All non-free and open source apps made by for-profit entities always get worse.
I think Steam is an outlier here. It’ll probably get worse eventually, but it’s pretty decent right now.
as a dating app?
Sure, why not?
Yeah, let’s try it. I’m
Those apps are like Google search. They are designed to keep you occupied, to make you pay for subscriptions and click on ads.
They are not designed to find you a good partner.
They haven’t worked since all becoming for profit, rather than for… dating. Turns out setting people up should really be charity work, not for profit.
Maybe there should be a fediverse dating app?
Ah yes. A userbase of 45 global users, all of whom are argueing over linux distros, and none of them will speak one word when a woman walks into the room.
I’m prepared to use Windows 11 if it’ll get me laid.
Not worth it. Stay on Linux and get a Fleshlight.
I’m pretty sure there is a FOSS dating app, but I can’t remember the name of it.
I doubt it has a half decent userbase though.
There’s a thousand nerds, two furries and a woman.
I feel like you’re vastly underestimating the number of flurries on the fediverse.
maybe furry nerds were only counted as nerds
I don’t know I assumed there were twice as many furries as women.
Alovoa is the name.
Bots everywhere, randomly breaks every other week, accounts may of may not vanish if you looks at the logo the wrong way…
Got a match, conversation was going well, got ghosted. Still no idea why 😅.
GETTING worse? No. They hit rock bottom like 5 years ago. You’re just NOW figuring this out???
A little late to the conversation there wired.
Match group killed most dating apps years ago when they acquired as many as possible and turned them all into tinder clones, literally removing useful features, not even including them in “premium” versions.
Hinge was the last to hold on to being “acceptable” to those that used it (I need more profile than pictures so I didn’t care for it) but I guess that’s changed now too.
Monetizing human needs never ends well… Seeking a partner is a human need and these corpo fucks know it and drooled over the prospect of exploiting it. I gave up on them a few years ago so I’m just staying single I guess.