They said they would specifically be looking at Barb and Sorc legendary aspects, are there any clear outliers you think will get a buff?
They said they would specifically be looking at Barb and Sorc legendary aspects, are there any clear outliers you think will get a buff?
Was there an actual article on Forbes, or was it just one of their rage baiting blog posts?
It was a rage baiting blog post. The writer cited datmodz and asmongold as his sources and another Forbes article.
I know just about any time asmontool is involved it is going to be click bait and rage inducing.
All the articles I saw were “Reddit user says Diablo 4 is the worst game ever” and then they proceed to play 100hrs of season 1.
I’m season 1 level 47 and having a blast. You angry haters need to get a life or find a new game.
I enjoyed the game when it came out and was hoping to play S1, but after the patch we tried to play for a few hours and it was just kinda bad, so we decided to take a week or two off and wait for 1.1.1 to see if it is more fun. I’m hoping it is!
“Social media users complain about video game”
Is just such a meme at this point
Level 54 in season 1 myself. And enjoying it, still confused on all the exacts and specifics of the malignants. But enjoying none the less.
I’m enjoying it while also thinking that I could be enjoying it much more if not for some questionable decisions made by Blizzard. It doesn’t have to be binary :)
To me, part of the fun in Diablo is from learning and discovering how all the skills and items and hearts work together. I feel like lots of people read build guides and at that point it just turns into a grind fest. Don’t get me wrong, I check out some guides as it’s almost impossible to learn about every skill synergy. But if you min/mix following a guide from the day you buy the game it’s your own fault if it feels like a chore.
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B