Because people enjoy taking drugs and they always will. Being a dictator and telling people they can’t do what they want with their own body is hilariously out of touch
Some people seem to think that if we just correct all of our unhealthy habits we will live forever. My life has been better with some unhealthiness in it, and times that I’ve stopped has proven that. It’s your body and your time, so you should be able to use it like you want to.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun - for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax - This won’t hurt.
I don’t believe so. He had a bunch of health problems- dealing with recovery from a broken back, hip, and also a lung infection. But I don’t think cancer was part of the equation, ttbomk
In countries with universal healthcare, there is an argument that government should take a more active role in dissuading the use of substances that cause social harm and harm to the body and result in long term expenditure for public health. The detail is in how far government should go, e.g. educational initiatives, regulation, or prohibition, etc.
Countries with Universal Healthcare are always the worst places to get any treatment done, the US still to date is the best country for medical treatment of any kind
I’m all for safe substance use if wanted, but vapes are dangerous. I smoked cigarettes, then changed over to vaping and now use snus. Nicotine is a huge problem with it’s addictiveness.
Vapes in the current state they are sold, are like candy to young people and the shops treat it that way. Vaping makes it easy to consume nicotine, and once your body is addicted it craves more and more. The amount of nicotine in these vapes is obscene. And you can do it everywhere with them. You don’t smell it like cigarettes. You can get vapes in any taste you desire. I consumed way more nicotine when I was vaping than with cigarettes.
I use cannabis to sleep (legally) and consume on moderation, just enough to do the job. While on an extended trip just now, I purchased a cartridge and battery for convenience and to try it out (I normally vape cannabis flower). It was shocking to me how quickly and frequently I would use it if I wasn’t really being strict with myself. The ease of use made it trivial, the amount of product at a high concentration made it something I didn’t have to think about, and it tasted and smelled like blueberry. I’ll ask back to my normal methods but it gave me something to think about. There is still quite a bit left in the cartridge. To your point, it was very affordable, convenient, and psychologically speaking “addictive”.
Yeah the convenience and the flavor are the main problems for me. If the prepackaged vapes would come in non candy flavors, a lot of potential new consumers wouldn’t touch vapes. They should be an alternative for smokers and not a new revenue stream for tobacco conglomerates based on a new generation who know smoking in general is bad.
If THC vapes are properly vetted and the buyer is informed about possible health impacts I’m totally ok with that.
We can say that, but people also started smoking cigarettes (which arguably don’t taste like candy) as minors.
Should we ban all flavoured alcohol too? Alcohol is also addictive and unhealthy. This would mean no more beers, wines, coolers, etc, just watered down alcohol. Does that also sound like a good plan to you? Maybe banning flavours specifically isn’t the only possible solution here.
It might also be good to try to make kids getting caught smoking more difficult for the parents to deal with than it is for them deal with an angry teen. I mean, these kids are getting these vapes from somewhere. Some kids are getting them from their own parents. Where did parental/social responsibility go? Kids shouldn’t be able to get ANY nicotine in the first place, imo.
I have never tried nicotine vaping but I imagine the ease of consumption and ease of concealing the use of the product are very similar. If you smoke a cigarette, people know. But if you hit a cart, it’s pretty hard to tell even minutes later, especially if outside.
Saying that vapes are dangerous is misinformation at best. Vaping got you off smoking cigarettes (congrats btw), which are far more dangerous. Yes, you may have consumed more nicotine, but you didn’t consume any of the other thousands of toxic or even carcinogenic chemicals present in cigarette smoke.
I meant dangerous as in that it attracts people who would have never started smoking. While cigarettes are more dangerous, vaping also has it’s drawbacks. The base fluid may be safe to consume, but the flavorings are the problem in my eyes. They appeal to a younger audience and the ingredients are most often not known (Corresponding study if you want to dive deeper: )
Additionally nicotine in itself is not something I would want anyone to be addicted to.
Seriously, the other day on the bus I was enjoying my favorite snack, skunk glands infused with fox urine, and people had the audacity to tell me I can’t put these things in my own body. Dictators.
The danger of passing a cigarette on the street pales in comparison to urban pollution, poorly regulated restaurants, and even household cleaners for the number of toxins you expose yourself to. Worrying about second hand smoke outside makes as much sense as worrying about malaria from a mosquito while you’re trapped in a cage with lions.
Stay inside if you insist on indulging in a disgusting habit. I’m not stopping you from destroying yourself, but no one should have to suffer for your stupid choices.
But smoking in public is intrinsically selfish, so I should know better than to debate it with a smoker. Nothing would convince you to have a little courtesy and class.
And when the government can effectively prevent massive amounts of benzene from going into the air, they are more than welcome to work on the trace amounts of nicotine.
But people aren’t against it. They are against cigarettes and vaping because they don’t like them. Alchohol? Totally fine. Pills? Goochie. Caffeine? Can’t live without it. And if it’s a matter of smell, then when are we making not showering illegal? Also, axe body spray, perfumes, incense, and any other form of non-consensual smells?
These things will never be banned because people like them. The same argument applies, but it doesn’t get railed against because they don’t bother you.
You’d be right, but those trace amount of nicotine are often going straight into our faces for the crime of being downwind of someone smoking/vaping without a care in the world.
Health effects aside, I’d appreciate not having to breath in or smell other people’s second-hand smoke/vape.
There’s more nicotine in your average pasta sauce than you’ll absorb by following a vaping person for an hour. I know you’re talking about a principle… but it’s not a very strong argument.
You missed the point. More accurate would be: because you watched TV for an hour you shouldn’t worry about someone shining a flashlight on you. That’s the level of consequences we’re talking about and it sounds ridiculous when someone blows them out of proportions. Maybe we should start worrying about anal residue too because people are farting outside.
The “selfish” argument goes both ways, you’re just as selfish for telling people what they can do with their own body as they are for blowing smoke in your face
It does go both ways, but saying “my body, my right” when what you’re doing has a physical, unhealthy effect on the people around you I’d argue is more selfish than my wanting you to stop.
Imagine if people just stood outside of buildings constantly coughing and spluttering germs at you whenever you walked past. You’d want them to stop, no?
Being a liability to the state by taking drugs known to cause harm is also hilariously unjustified by that same metric. Sure let people decide with things like weed, shrooms whatever mellow shit they want but shit like heroin, vapes causing lung damage and putting pressure on already stressed out health infrastructures across the word needs to be governed.
I can’t believe you really just put heroin & vapes causing lung damage together. Insane. I have relatives addicted to both and it’s genuinely aggravating to see someone say something so disconnected.
I’d take a family of vape addicts over a single heroin addict a million times over.
So people are just metrics to you, not human beings with a right-to-choose, just slaves in your mind who shouldn’t have the right to pursue their own happiness unless governed by the state
Because people enjoy taking drugs and they always will. Being a dictator and telling people they can’t do what they want with their own body is hilariously out of touch
Some people seem to think that if we just correct all of our unhealthy habits we will live forever. My life has been better with some unhealthiness in it, and times that I’ve stopped has proven that. It’s your body and your time, so you should be able to use it like you want to.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
Hunter Thompson
A man who reached sixty-seven, wealthy and loved, and put a gun in his mouth while at the kitchen table.
While talking on the phone with his wife. His son, daughter in law and 6 year old grandson were all in the house.
Then the sound like someone dropped a heavy book.
Didn’t he have terminal cancer, wanting to die his way and not wasting away from a horrible disease?
I don’t believe so. He had a bunch of health problems- dealing with recovery from a broken back, hip, and also a lung infection. But I don’t think cancer was part of the equation, ttbomk
Ok, glad to be educated.
I would rather live a shorter life where I enjoy myself than a longer one where I restrict myself.
In countries with universal healthcare, there is an argument that government should take a more active role in dissuading the use of substances that cause social harm and harm to the body and result in long term expenditure for public health. The detail is in how far government should go, e.g. educational initiatives, regulation, or prohibition, etc.
Countries with Universal Healthcare are always the worst places to get any treatment done, the US still to date is the best country for medical treatment of any kind
If you’re a billionaire maybe.
I’m all for safe substance use if wanted, but vapes are dangerous. I smoked cigarettes, then changed over to vaping and now use snus. Nicotine is a huge problem with it’s addictiveness.
Vapes in the current state they are sold, are like candy to young people and the shops treat it that way. Vaping makes it easy to consume nicotine, and once your body is addicted it craves more and more. The amount of nicotine in these vapes is obscene. And you can do it everywhere with them. You don’t smell it like cigarettes. You can get vapes in any taste you desire. I consumed way more nicotine when I was vaping than with cigarettes.
I use cannabis to sleep (legally) and consume on moderation, just enough to do the job. While on an extended trip just now, I purchased a cartridge and battery for convenience and to try it out (I normally vape cannabis flower). It was shocking to me how quickly and frequently I would use it if I wasn’t really being strict with myself. The ease of use made it trivial, the amount of product at a high concentration made it something I didn’t have to think about, and it tasted and smelled like blueberry. I’ll ask back to my normal methods but it gave me something to think about. There is still quite a bit left in the cartridge. To your point, it was very affordable, convenient, and psychologically speaking “addictive”.
Yeah the convenience and the flavor are the main problems for me. If the prepackaged vapes would come in non candy flavors, a lot of potential new consumers wouldn’t touch vapes. They should be an alternative for smokers and not a new revenue stream for tobacco conglomerates based on a new generation who know smoking in general is bad.
If THC vapes are properly vetted and the buyer is informed about possible health impacts I’m totally ok with that.
We can say that, but people also started smoking cigarettes (which arguably don’t taste like candy) as minors. Should we ban all flavoured alcohol too? Alcohol is also addictive and unhealthy. This would mean no more beers, wines, coolers, etc, just watered down alcohol. Does that also sound like a good plan to you? Maybe banning flavours specifically isn’t the only possible solution here.
It might also be good to try to make kids getting caught smoking more difficult for the parents to deal with than it is for them deal with an angry teen. I mean, these kids are getting these vapes from somewhere. Some kids are getting them from their own parents. Where did parental/social responsibility go? Kids shouldn’t be able to get ANY nicotine in the first place, imo.
health impacts of vapes? none mate
but yea go ahead and inhale all that carbon monoxide in your flowers bro wenwont miss you
Shouldn’t conflate THC distillate vaping with nicotine vaping. They are very different things
I have never tried nicotine vaping but I imagine the ease of consumption and ease of concealing the use of the product are very similar. If you smoke a cigarette, people know. But if you hit a cart, it’s pretty hard to tell even minutes later, especially if outside.
maybe grow up 👆 and control yourself
you sound exactly like an alcoholic blaming the bottle and not THEMSELVES
I get you’re just a troll, but to anyone else reading this, this is an Archaic way of looking at addiction.
Saying that vapes are dangerous is misinformation at best. Vaping got you off smoking cigarettes (congrats btw), which are far more dangerous. Yes, you may have consumed more nicotine, but you didn’t consume any of the other thousands of toxic or even carcinogenic chemicals present in cigarette smoke.
I meant dangerous as in that it attracts people who would have never started smoking. While cigarettes are more dangerous, vaping also has it’s drawbacks. The base fluid may be safe to consume, but the flavorings are the problem in my eyes. They appeal to a younger audience and the ingredients are most often not known (Corresponding study if you want to dive deeper: )
Additionally nicotine in itself is not something I would want anyone to be addicted to.
thats what you sound like mate a bafoon
Seriously, the other day on the bus I was enjoying my favorite snack, skunk glands infused with fox urine, and people had the audacity to tell me I can’t put these things in my own body. Dictators.
Your body, your choice
It’s the drugs going into air that other people have to breathe, or behavior while under the influence that endangers other people that’s the problem.
The danger of passing a cigarette on the street pales in comparison to urban pollution, poorly regulated restaurants, and even household cleaners for the number of toxins you expose yourself to. Worrying about second hand smoke outside makes as much sense as worrying about malaria from a mosquito while you’re trapped in a cage with lions.
Not when you’re allergic. And even when you’re not, I’ve only met one smoker who realizes how awful they smell and tries to mitigate it.
You do realize this is a hugely fallacious argument, right?
their body their rulez. stay inside if you are a bubble boy ~~~~
Stay inside if you insist on indulging in a disgusting habit. I’m not stopping you from destroying yourself, but no one should have to suffer for your stupid choices.
But smoking in public is intrinsically selfish, so I should know better than to debate it with a smoker. Nothing would convince you to have a little courtesy and class.
Ah yes, discriminate against people, great job not being the bigot
oh wait, you ARE the bigot
They literally just turned the argument around on you and you call them a bigot. Doesn’t that make your argument bigotry?
All that dangerous behavior like snacking relentlessly and laughing at dumb jokes, what horror! Also edibles have no secondhand smoke to inhale.
More like car accidents, second hand lung damage in children of smokers, and overdosing.
I’m not talking about just marijuana, but you definitely come across as insecure about it.
OD on cannabis?
thats why vape is KING safe children
And when the government can effectively prevent massive amounts of benzene from going into the air, they are more than welcome to work on the trace amounts of nicotine.
It’s not a zero sum. You can be against both.
One is clearly worse, can be stopped, and isn’t bullshit.
The other is whiny bullshit, and your analogy sucks.
But people aren’t against it. They are against cigarettes and vaping because they don’t like them. Alchohol? Totally fine. Pills? Goochie. Caffeine? Can’t live without it. And if it’s a matter of smell, then when are we making not showering illegal? Also, axe body spray, perfumes, incense, and any other form of non-consensual smells?
These things will never be banned because people like them. The same argument applies, but it doesn’t get railed against because they don’t bother you.
It’s about ease of enforcement. If you can’t enforce a law, it’s bullshit lip service.
You’d be right, but those trace amount of nicotine are often going straight into our faces for the crime of being downwind of someone smoking/vaping without a care in the world.
Health effects aside, I’d appreciate not having to breath in or smell other people’s second-hand smoke/vape.
There’s more nicotine in your average pasta sauce than you’ll absorb by following a vaping person for an hour. I know you’re talking about a principle… but it’s not a very strong argument.
Okay, assuming that’s true, when I eat pasta with sauce, the person next to me doesn’t end up ingesting my pasta sauce.
When you smoke/vape, the people are forced to inhale your exhaust as they breath (which we don’t really get a lot of choice in doing).
It’s like saying because you got an X-ray you shouldn’t worry about bathing in the sun for too long.
You’re breathing the same air they are, whether you can see it or not…
You missed the point. More accurate would be: because you watched TV for an hour you shouldn’t worry about someone shining a flashlight on you. That’s the level of consequences we’re talking about and it sounds ridiculous when someone blows them out of proportions. Maybe we should start worrying about anal residue too because people are farting outside.
The “selfish” argument goes both ways, you’re just as selfish for telling people what they can do with their own body as they are for blowing smoke in your face
It does go both ways, but saying “my body, my right” when what you’re doing has a physical, unhealthy effect on the people around you I’d argue is more selfish than my wanting you to stop.
Imagine if people just stood outside of buildings constantly coughing and spluttering germs at you whenever you walked past. You’d want them to stop, no?
you are one selfish bastard huh
Being a liability to the state by taking drugs known to cause harm is also hilariously unjustified by that same metric. Sure let people decide with things like weed, shrooms whatever mellow shit they want but shit like heroin, vapes causing lung damage and putting pressure on already stressed out health infrastructures across the word needs to be governed.
I can’t believe you really just put heroin & vapes causing lung damage together. Insane. I have relatives addicted to both and it’s genuinely aggravating to see someone say something so disconnected.
I’d take a family of vape addicts over a single heroin addict a million times over.
“Being a liability to the state”
So people are just metrics to you, not human beings with a right-to-choose, just slaves in your mind who shouldn’t have the right to pursue their own happiness unless governed by the state
So people are nothing more than a statistic to you? What an insanely warped mentality that only a slave owner could love
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 heroin vapes this dude lives in a basement 12 floors underground