We build Signal in the open, with publicly available source code for our applications and servers. To keep Signal a free global communication service without spam, we must depart from our totally-open posture and develop one piece of the server in private: a system for detecting and disrupting spam campaigns. Unlike encryption protocols, which are designed to be provably secure even if everyone knows how they work, spam detection is an ongoing chore for which there is no concrete resolution and for which transparency is a major disadvantage.

  • CHEF-KOCH@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Where did I even mention that auditing code of the server would change anything? I was only saying that you can’t verify what is running on the server so it doesn’t really matter if Signal makes that code open source or not.

    No one audits code, this is the point, I have even proven that with the OpenSSL Heartbleed argumentation. Open source does not help at all here, you can also reverse closed source stuff. This is what you do not understand. You can change stuff on the server and it will break stuff for your clients, a short test if you add feature x into the app, then check if the current server accepts it or not. Yes, this is a small test everyone can do.

    Now I can agree because you added that code of the server is partially closed.

    And how long until they close everything. The betrayed their community. I said, give me the money, I do better, hiring people or do it yourself with 50 Mio is easily archived.

    Who said anything about abandoning XMPP? I already said that people are free to use whatever they want because everyone has different threat model. Of course there are projects that I will recommend or not but nobody is forced to listen to my opinions.

    You said according to my logic. The normal user does not even know what threat model is.

    Thank you for the link, I will definitely check it out later.

    Yes, read it and really read everything and not only the headers like you did with my link.

    I already said that I’m using quotes to make my reply more readable and less confusing, especially in case of longer statements. Quotes doesn’t make anything look more true, it’s just personal preference and my style of replying to others.

    This is more readable, oh my god. Really. Your logic and weak arguments are beyond cringe.

    Decentralization is not related to Signal either because AFAIK all servers are owned by one company.

    Nope, Signal uses AWS, Google and Azure. There are fallback servers etc.

    Let the moderators decide if this is harassment.

    Yup, this thread gets closed anyway and maybe ends up that we both get banned because spam.

    Privacy is not 0 or 1. Like I said before, people have different threat models so for some people will not care about using their own phone number for Signal, when others will not use Signal or even any mobile device at all.

    No one said nor implied it. You mention thread model now 3 times, well I assume you do not even know what it is. Your aggressive - I wanna be right here - argument does not hold. You defend a system which turned on their users and make arguments up to make it look less shocking than it is, people trusted Signal but only if it is FOSS. That changed, and there is no arguing here.

    I already explained why I refused to read your explanation in full

    This is from basically the headers and not the full thing. Again you do not read links in full, you have no credibility nor reputation at all. Why shall someone believes a random account created 2 months ago which aggressively defends Signal because he wants to be right, failing the point that this OP is about that parts are closed source now.

    No, I provided sufficient evidence that the arkenfox people are liar and hypocrites. This is a fact.

    Saying that you were plagiarizing work is not harassment but warning for other users who will be interacting with you in any way in future.

    There is no proof for this claim, I even explained it in detail. Again, using other statements from the internet makes you look like am amateur. Or do you believe earth is flat because it is written down.

    I request again this topic gets locked, people here defend it without any arguments or links at all. The thread is already abused as smear campaign which is entirely off-topic. I have my own guild here on lemmy, if there is something to say, do that there and I will address all concerns.