People care when their drinking water is contaminated with lead. They care if their medicines aren’t safe and effective, or if somebody takes all the money out of their investment accounts. Those things don’t make people happy. Yet it’s administrative agencies that are guarding against that and protecting their rights. So when the Supreme Court starts to dismantle important features of these agencies, it matters because it’s destabilizing a really important part of government

    3 months ago

    Absolutely agreed. The middle class is disproportionately paying for the taxes in this country and the only thing I want mine used for is to keep us safe and maintain our infrastructure. The Republicans and this disastrous Supreme Court is doing everything in their power to divert taxes from the beneficial usage that many want it to be used for to tax cuts for the super wealthy and giveaways to corporations. Fuck them all and I’d rather see our country divide and burn than drown slowly in this cesspool of shit.