“And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” he said.
Why is this not sedition?
It’s as true now as it was when Markos Moulitas wrote it in 2008: IOKIYAR
Because it’s Conservatives
Oh right. My mistake.
It is!
because they dont have real opposition
Spread this far and wide
The terrifying thing is that a sizable portion of this country reads this list and thinks it sounds like a great idea.
Some of it. I don’t know that even a sizable portion of this country wants to raise prescription drug prices. I also think a very small percentage wants to get rid of no fault divorce or contraception. Even most Catholics are fine with contraception. And use it too.
Raising the retirement age? I’d guess that their sizable voting bloc in their 60s wouldn’t be good with that.
Honestly, I think the more people learn about this, the more they will find things they don’t like about it. Even Republicans.
Even Republicans
Yeah, but they mean all that for other people, not me!
…hey, what’s that leopard staring at me for?
I was going to make this point too, that regular Americans who support this stuff think it will only affect people they don’t like. Like how the presidential immunity only covers “official acts,” a term left completely undefined so they can claim things they like official and things they don’t unofficial.
Of course, those broke bitches on the ground aren’t going to get that same consideration and will get fucked same as “DA lIbZ”
“Learn” “Republicans” I think I found a problem with this plan.
I’m surprised this graphic doesn’t mention banning porn and jailing those who produce and distribute it (page 5). Even for non-porn consumers, when you remember that they’re trying to lump non-explicit LGBT media in as porn (for example), that becomes a pretty dangerous stance.
I would say there are a lot of cases creating precedent that this is free speech, but well…
I am hoping for an asteroid to take us all out.
Climate change 🤞
Not fast enough. I want relief.
Don’t count all of us in, funnies scene in Greenland was watching Orlando get taken out via asteroid hit and how am I going to find the IRL version funny if I’m dead for it?
What’s scary to me is that a sizable portion of people don’t care.
everyone that opposes this already knows.
leftists better start organizing in the us. this will not be solved by democrats.
On this. You and I 100% agree. Which should be a shock for you coming from someone you mistakenly labeled conservative. I’m just anti authoritarian, but very pro solidarity.
as long as we are doing any type of effective organization, everyone benefits.
I’d like to get more involved with something, but not the SRA. Tried that and felt like it was not much more than burning $35 for the membership fees. I need something a little bit more substantial and a bit more cohesive than some discord channel.
i can’t speak for the US, but there are plenty of bad orgs out there, sadly.
i think its important to understand the theory behind it because it makes it easier to spot the good ones vs the bad ones vs the ones that won’t be effective.
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When someone tells you you that they’re planning Night of the Long Knives, you should believe them.
Correction - you should believe them that such will happen when nobody else but them has knives and they are certain they won’t get a scratch while it’s happening. Until then they’ll be very afraid.
The dangerous part is that the fact that they are cowards may over time become more notable than the fact that they really want this.
Glad Project 2025 is becoming public knowledge, it’s not hyperbole, people really are going to die if Trump is re-elected. That’s not a threat, that’s an acknowledgement of what the GOP plans to do.
There have already been several shootings by people trying to trigger a “race war”.
I remember when “Race war now?” was just an edgy 4chan meme… Better days, used to on the internet when someone was being racist it was a comedy routine mocking the absurdity of racism, nowadays… people actually mean that shit.
Sadly I remember the “Bugaloo” movement, because everything has to be a joke now, even repeating the Civil War…
Do you all remember how quickly they backed down as soon as ashley babbit was shot? (yes I know I spelled it wrong, I don’t care to honor that piece of trash). A whole crowd of these fuckers. and presumably the most rabid of them, their infantry if you will. These are the cultists who spent money, time, and energy to be there. So they are also the ones with means. Also, presumably a bunch of them were carrying concealed weapons. Then one person gets shot and the entire thing crumbles. Cowards. Through and through cowards. And they think they can win a war?
The reaction of everyone when the shot is fired was absolutely telling. The coward that was right next to her turns and ran. Didn’t even help her or charge an attack with the absolutely massive numbers they had. They were there, at the heart of it all and they turned around and ran because the violence became real and was directed at them.
Except the ones who pointed at her like chimps and took out their cell phones to record her dying.
Not one of them offered any first aid.
You can’t really expect empathy from that crowd.
I like the way I once saw it summarized for a non-American person asking about J6:
Supporters of the fascist ex-President form angry mob threatening to kill politicians; they end up killing four police officers and one of themselves then run away.
I’m not defending those traitors, but they didn’t kill 4 police. This is from the wiki on the event.
“Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.”
A 42 year old having a stroke after being sprayed with pepper spray and hit on the head with a fire extinguisher is not dying of natural causes.
died of natural causes?
The brain bouncing against the inside of the skull due to blunt force trauma is technically a natural cause, if you cross your eyes
It’s simple: Trump wins, they win (unless he fucks it up, which he probably will).
Trump loses, they lose no matter how violent they get.
Trump loses, they lose
They’ve been on this shit since the Confederate Era. Trump is just the latest in a long line of fascist bannermen.
Well, if you want the history of the Heritage Foundation, look back to the 70’s. Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell penned a memo to the US Chamber of Commerce titled “Attack on the American Free Enterprise System” in 1970, and in this memo, he detailed his concern that America’s best and brightest students were becoming anti-business because of our involvement in Vietnam. Powell’s agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. Three years later, the Heritage Foundation was founded.
Narrator: They did not win. Not even when they won. For they did not know or understand governance.
And they never should have gotten that far IMO.
Trump refused to call in the same National Guard that has beaten up the BLM protesters the summer before.
I mean, when somebody says a threat of such kind in a situation which doesn’t yet warrant it, it’s clear they are cowards.
Make no mistake - that bloodshed they want to be done by police, national guard and such. Not their own supporters. Cause no person who says such things first wants to be shot back at.
They forget how many of us gun owning liberals there are. They think they can bully everyone around because they think they own all the guns thus the upper hand. They’re are far too dense to realize they’re entirely wrong. We just don’t make it our entire personality. I don’t feel the need to put my guns on display to prove to people I don’t even know what a MaNlY rUgGeD BaDaSs I am. That’s not why i own them. I very much enjoy the sport and technical knowledge and focus required to hit the target in different situations. I want to be perceived as a loving husband and a kind and honorable man and friend. Those two things are at odds. Or maybe I’m just not insecure about my masculinity.
I have been staunchly anti-gun personally, but it feels like it’s time to arm myself. The threats are becoming credible.
I was anti-gun up until about 3 years ago, but I’ve been training semi-regularly since they began making these types of threats. I also have good reason to believe they’re more than just threats, but actual plans. I would encourage you to start getting familiar with firearms and train sooner than later. A lot of people have a misconception that you can just pick one up, aim, and fire but there’s significantly more to it than that.
Don’t just “arm yourself”. Learn how to safely handle and use it and practice practice practice. Somewhere there is a Fascist that wants to kill you and they are practicing. So practice yourself.
You can bear arms, or you can arm bears. It’s your choice.
If I have a choice between an AR-15 and an attack bear, I’m going with the attack bear. Plus, it will enjoy belly scritches on its off hours. If you scritch an AR-15’s belly, it doesn’t kick its leg.
Always choose the bear.
I hope you do realize that this means you’ve been wrong all the time. Because the main political argument for gun ownership is such events exactly.
No, I haven’t been, and that’s why I said personally. The reason why I never wanted a gun in my house is because of looking at the statistics of who is by far the most likely to get shot by that gun. [Either me or my spouse.]
I am all for responsible gun ownership and made the personal choice not to get one because the threat of my government has not been a credible threat. That is changing, which is why I am trying to decide to make the personal choice to get one. The increased risk to both myself and my spouse is nearing the tipping point where NOT having one is a greater risk from my government.
The reason why I never wanted a gun in my house is because of looking at the statistics of who is by far the most likely to get shot by that gun. [Either me or my spouse.]
Ah. Same here. Though I can’t get a legal one here anyway, because Russian laws make no difference between ADHD, ASD and schizophrenia for the purpose of getting a permit.
I misunderstood that “anti-gun personally”, cause not wanting a gun in your own house doesn’t mean being anti-gun. One thing is about whether the choice is on your side or on the government’s, the other is what would you choose.
No worries! I know it’s hard to convey those levels of nuance in these conversations, especially with how quick everyone is to jump to one side or the other.
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Our guns won’t matter… all that will matter will be whose side our military’s guns are on. If they try to oppose the US military they will loose, if they have the US military on their side, they will win.
Nobody but my immediate family and close friends and people I go shooting with know I have firearms. And I will keep it that way. I don’t want anyone breaking into my house to steal my guns.
If you buy a gun safe (always recommend) cut up the box before you throw it away. Most gun safes have a distinct look to the box and a few even say what they are in the outside.
Don’t need anyone knowing what’s in my house.
They forget how many of us gun owning liberals there are.
Without an organization and leadership to coordinate action, that’s not particularly useful.
Movement conservatism is scary because it’s a movement, not just a bunch of nutjobs who all happen to own guns.
Guerilla warfare is incredibly effective. The only thing that has a chance of overcoming it is coordinated national military might, and even then its a shitshow.
Seeing as the military is at about a 45/55 liberal/conservative split, with the majority of officers being liberal, they dont even have that on lockdown.
Guerilla warfare is incredibly effective.
Kids love to read about the American Revolution, Vietnam and Afghanistan, or the Cuban Revolt (that finally succeeded). They’re less excited to read about Grenada, Guatamala, the Spanish Republicans, the Hungarian Revolt, the century of Cuban revolutions that failed, the American Confederacy, the Battle of Blair Mountain, the Greek Civil War, the Philippines, or the American Natives.
Guerrilla Warfare is incredibly bloody affair. Rebels rarely live to see the revolt successfully concluded even when it does succeed. The problem with wars of attrition are that they get a lot of their participants killed.
Who here actually wants to die for their cause?
i’m getting old. there’s worse ways to die.
Who here actually wants to die for their cause?
When people I know and love are being threatened with violence and death for a cause they aren’t even fighting for? Yeah, I’ll roll those dice.
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Gangs die for less. Fred Hampton was going to give them a cause and make them into freedom fighters, and that made the government very very scared.
Gangs die for less.
Speaking as someone who has spent years in a gang, I’m guessing?
Nah, more like some dead family members from gang violence (I had a dumb but lovable cousin). But you’re right, I can’t really say whether they’re dieing for a cause, I meant it more as “dieing for a lesser cause” than emancipation.
Neither do they. Their “leadership” scattered before anyone got into the Capital on Jan6th and the pawns scattered when the first one of these died.
There is plenty of leadership and coordination, just not for this purpose. People adapt. I hope it may not be necessary for that to happen, but I know plenty of people who are excellent community organizers. All they need is to change what they teach at their outreach classes.
People adapt.
Under a fascist leadership, they adapt by becoming more accommodating to fascists and more allergic to liberal democracy.
I know plenty of people who are excellent community organizers. All they need is to change what they teach at their outreach classes.
I agree in theory. But in practice, it seems any kind of militant liberalism gets dismissed as “both sides” or denounced as “being a tankie”.
I think people recognize this time around it’s different. Maybe not all people will recognize the importance of resisting, but a lot of my friends are in the groups that will be targeted by conservatives. And I don’t think they will idly stand by.
The best part of that line is that everyone left of fascism reads it as a direct threat - bow to our will or there will be blood, while the right can claim it’s just them worrying about the left turning violent.
They just want to murder their way to a just and harmonious society. How can we achieve a just and harmonious society without consequence free political violence?
The modern conservative agenda reads almost exactly like Timothy McVeigh’s manifesto for blowing up the OKC federal building. Not even joking, read it. You would think it’s a modern Republican speech.
These people want to enslave/kill everyone in the cities, all minorities, all LGBT+, and people who voted blue. They aren’t even hiding it. They want that massive transfer of wealth which is behind their agenda.
Remember, this is what all conservatives want. There are no exceptions. They all support the outright violence. It is what their party stands for.
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lol. They want folks to step aside so they can seize power and then use that power to subjugate the people they’re threatening violence against. But, you know, later it’ll be institutional violence.
Those fuckers deserve a drink. A Molotov Cocktail.
Heh. “On the house!”“Official Act” violence. Can’t wait.
Biden is too old, frail and crazy to do it. We’d need to instaurate some fresher blood on the Presidential race.
Bring it. I’m ready. You snowflakes don’t have the faith, conviction or cojones to follow through with your threats, which is why you make so many of them, and why they get more and more violent as you see them be less and less effective. Calling your bluff, but I’ll be ready to slap you right back into the hole you crawled out of.
The problem is, thanks to blue-state gun regulations, Republicans not only have better guns than you, they outnumber you with a significantly higher order of magnitude of not only a lot more people owning guns, they also have access to better guns than what you can buy in restricted states.
I read about how a lot of us leftist voters also have guns and don’t brag about it, but it doesn’t matter given the ratio, and we stand no chance if it’s 60-to-1 on us. And guess what political party most cops vote for? You’re fucked if you start violence; you’re fucked if they start violence.
It might be 60 to 1 on the number of guns, but they have 2 hands at most.
Based on the videos I’ve seen from Ukraine, it’s going to be a drone fight anyways.
I’ve told everyone I meet that it really no longer matters how you feel about the 2nd amendment. You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to go learn how to use them, full stop.
I’m am incensed that this is now absolutely true. I want no part of it.
Then learn to enjoy the taste of boot, loser.
Breathe the copium deep, you might feel better.
Ignore that the majority of military recruits come from rural, Republican zip codes. And that once they’re done, they return home to those areas.
Ignore that for the last 6 years plus, that military kit like body armor, night vision, and ammo has either been unavailable or on/off multi-month back order.
Ignore that there is a rising militia movement, and that numbers matter hugely, for both kinetic operations and more mundane goals like roadblocks or ‘holding territory’ to act within/from.
Ignore how cartels in Mexico have proven a very hard nut to crack, despite the Army/Police having training and the cartels exploiting the poor and desperate with very little training or gear.
But sure, Meal Team Six.
Sounds scary! Gosh i’d better breathe some more - what is it? Copium? - sure ok mister man! All variables are completely known an plugged in! Nothing can possib-LIE go wrong
Hey you down with the Icy Hot Stuntaz?! Me too!
You’re right, we have absolutely nothing to fear. January 6th was 100% a peaceful protest, the Proud Boys only carry airsoft guns and plate carriers to look scary, and nobody, in the history of the country, has ever been lynched or attacked by mob violence.
I mean - if the DC cops hadn’t explicitly been instructed not to interfere, we’d have had a very different Jan 6.
50 Ashli Babbitts and step on whatever roaches are drawn out. Done deal. The catch there is it makes the unqualified assumption the police are inclined to act against violent, seditionist MAGA garbage. And we know that’s not always the case. But it’s also a different scenario than meth’d-up hillbillies in monster trucks with a glock in each hand and one between their teeth.
The catch there is it makes the unqualified assumption the police are inclined to act against violent, seditionist MAGA garbage. And we know that’s not always the case.
So you agree they’re a problem, no? The police are not going to stop them, just like they didn’t stop the people attacking college protestors on campus.
But it’s also a different scenario than meth’d-up hillbillies in monster trucks with a glock in each hand and one between their teeth.
Reductionism is a good way to understand the broad strokes, but it is disingenuous as fuck to claim that right wing domestic terrorism is solely drug addled hillbillies. You think the Patriot Front goons popping out of uHauls don’t have guns at home? That “we’re winning” because they got chased out of town once?
This you?
An ad hominem attack against an intellectual, not against an idea, is highly flattering. It indicates that the person does not have anything intelligent to say about your message. -Nassim Taleb
But sure, keep up the drive by memes and ignore everything I said
Some people choose the pleasure of ridiculing their opponents over being a little bit more certain that they won’t regret later when shit hits the fan.
The only thing blue states tend to restrict overall is ammo capacity in the magazine. Other than that, what are the “better” guns you are talking about?
They took our not-assault weapons and made people think they’re for pussies! I’m not a pussy! And it’s not an assault weapon! I pinky promise I don’t have the $1 pin to make it full auto or a bevvy of large capacity magazines because the NRA’s two year pump and dump was looking out for us!
Where’s the fun in killing
bladeer with a 30ot6?Here’s an example…
The Sig P365 XL vs the Sig P365 XMacro… very similar, but the macro has a few upgrades, including a stock 17 round magazine; which is not legal in states that limit magazine sizes to 15 rounds.
You can purchase the macro with a 10 rd magazine, so it’s available in any state.
You’d have to buy magazines that are <17 after the fact. It is standard with the 17s.
So what you’re saying is that even if the left has guns and are trained that when it’s a 50/50 war, we have a 50/50 chance of dying.
So, why even bother? Life is shit as it is, toss a civil war in there and the only people having fun are psychopaths who enjoy killing.
Because Nazi rule might have have a >50% chance of killing you, or people you love.
It’s a rather short list. I’d rather steal a boat and take my chances at sea.
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I wouldn’t take a poor person’s boat. I’d take a yacht. I wouldn’t trash it either. And, I can sail so I’ll be fine. I’m not you.
Most yachts have diesel engines that couldn’t run beyond a few days without its maintenence crew and fuel. Sailing a yacht with wind sounds dumb and you will likely die like an idiot since you didn’t know this basic fact. Take me with you.
I know it’s meant to be a threat, but he really makes it sound like he’s at our mercy. It will only be bloodless if WE allow it.
The important part is to go after him and other people in leadership. They was us to fight the local maga crowd, not them. Fighting the local maga crowd gets us nowhere.
My local maga crowd is harassing a local teacher for having rainbows in the classroom. I’ll keep fighting both.
I’m going to put an lgbtq+ flag in my classroom next year. I don’t expect anything to come of it, but you never know.
Those people scattered hard when one of their’s died on January 6th. None of them really know how bad it gets in countries that actually go through revolutions. Not that we shouldn’t be prepared to protect ourselves, but they have no wherewithal to follow though to the end.
Revolutions are easy. You attend some rallies, you put some flags on your truck and you repost some memes on Facebook. If things get really dire, you change your profile picture for like a day or so.
Very few do, no matter the “side”, and those with the skills & training to do so all too often eat their own guns after the dust settles. In war, the only victors are the ones pushing pawns. Every single other creature is a victim to it, in one way or another.
This is very wise. People let their blood get too hot to see they’re in the boiling pot.
People never see they’re in the boiling pot. Or the crab bucket. Or the slaughter line. Or the prison-filling shame machine. Or the no-one-else-is-as-special-as-you ritual paint before the holiday sacrifice. Etc.
I still hold that the “Heroes Work Here” signs all over the Bible belt would be atop guillotines instead if there were any sense salvaging this “nation”. 🙇🏽♂️
It’s because they’re the go along to get along cowards who end up ignoring the flesh scented ash falling from the concentration camp constructed 15 miles outside of their hometown because admitting they were wrong would mean they accept responsibility for their complicity.
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Typical toxic abusive gaslighting BS, while enabling the violent crazies on his side to boot.
It is bonkers to me how these people would be tough to accept as the villain in a children’s movie, yet here they are in the real world with millions of grown-ass people supporting them.
It reads as “give up everything and nobody needs to get hurt”. It’s basically a taunt on their holding freedom under duress.
The Crimson blood of my enemies has always been my favorite color.
I mean they promise violence if they get their shit through so the only option is to challenge them.
Who isn’t expecting violence in November?
This would be violence after January. 2025 refers to the year.
Horrible events like January 6, or 9/11, each get a name.
I wonder what Monday’s SCOTUS ruling will end up being called.
Bc that seems to me to have been the turning point - not the beginning, obviously (you could point much further back to e.g. Citizens United) but when it really allowed/encouraged things to ratchet up.
Magna Carta Americana
Even its wiki page says it was not unique, was not for common folk, and also it was repealed even though portions of it were re-issued. If you mean that this could be used as a name, I was thinking more along the lines of like “Madness Monday”, except you know… something actually good:-).
Lol… I’m a sales and strategy exec for a living and I make sure never to be the smartest or most talented at anything, any room I’m in. Many of my sentences end with “or something with good words that are actually more gooder that you smart people can do more betterer than me”
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There’s a huge difference. They are talking about resistance to the fascist policies after they are put in place.
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And if they think they won’t be met with resistance they are fooling themselves.
You are really missing the point.
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Yes you are. The point is that they are talking about official governmental reprisals for any sort of resistance, not uprisings.
This isn’t warning of violence, this is announcing when they’ll start building the camps.
This man is a coward. He wants other people to do the dirty work.
The continental congress wasn’t starving with George. Happens every time.
More people should know what’s in Project 2025. It’s a guide to creating a Judge Dredd universe, where the only people living in it will be the Super Rich and the Super F*cking Poor.
They’re not even trying to hide it.
NutWrench, you are fined 1 credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.
Does this mean I have to learn to use the the shells?
Different Universe, but I’ll allow it.