2020s - companies and bots take over all corners of the internet
2030s - we welcome our robot overlords and promise to be obedient little slaves.
I don’t think this is a great “guide”.
It’s overly simplistic: a lot happened between the launch of the internet and the dotcom bubble bursting (like the dotcom bubble itself). It doesn’t mention the blog explosion of the late 90s. It doesn’t mention the rise of personal/family websites. It talks about search engines, but the 90s were defined by the browser wars.
It’s wrong: Dropbox was launched in 2007. Tim Berners-Lee didn’t just propose the internet, he created the first web browser, the first web server, and invented HTML.
Be cooler if the designer had figured a way to include the word ARPANET in their circle icon only design scheme.
Really glosses over a ton of detail from all the eras it purportedly covers