As suggested in this post we will try out to establish a weekly observations thread. Share whats happening in your hometown, region or country that might not be in the focus of international media!

Please provide a general location. For Example:

Location: Southern Ireland

Picture: Friendship Decline among US men and women

    1 年前

    I’ve been gardening now since the first year of the pandemic, and I will absolutely never grow enough to sustain myself. Perhaps on an acreage, if that was my full time job? If I was lucky? But it’s a LOT of work to grow food at a sustainable level, and that’s not even counting how one goes about processing and preserving it, saving seeds for next year, ensuring there’s enough to last till the first harvest next year.

    Garden for the pleasure of it, and enjoy those small pleasures. I successfully over-wintered all my strawberries (in Canada! In a raised bed!) and they’re producing like mad this spring. I certainly couldn’t live off them, and perhaps they won’t make it to next year, but I’m enjoying eating the berries right now.

    (And you may already know this, but I found that hand-fertilizing the silks was really successful when I grew a small plot of corn!)