Don’t get me wrong, I like Firefox a lot, but needs polishing.

I like -impopular opinion- the Proton UI (aka rounded tabs), containers are great, but has some flaws:

  • No PWA support
  • Bookmarks and history panels are unpractical (menus for both options are almost unusable)
  • A separate window for downloads, managing bookmarks? Really?
  • Pocket by default?

We need alternatives to Chromium, and Firefox is the “go to” option, but sometimes is disappointing to use it.

    1 year ago

    Philosophically, I want to support Firefox and I’ve used it for some time with various tweaks to make it more privacy-friendly.

    My issue is with Mozilla. To me, they really don’t seem all that focused on innovation within their browser or desire to put in effort to evolve it. There’s a plethora of security concerns with their dated browser architecture and most other browsers have pushed ahead with cool innovations like tab stacking, useful sidebars, etc.

    For now I’m mostly using Vivaldi. It’s Chromium, sure. But as a company they seem eager to innovate, provide nice tools and features to their users, and maintain a desire to make their browser private without a conflict of interest with their own business model.

    It wouldn’t take me much to hop back to Firefox again with the right development direction. But for now, I feel Mozilla have almost lost desire to push their product into the modern web environment and I’m no longer willing to compromise my own user experience for my philosophical desire of where things should be.