Is there a way to figure out if they blocked youon Signal if you can still technically message them?

Edit: he seems to have blocked me or hasn’t used Signal since a single emphatically non-controversial/non-hurtful comment so he either blocked me or hasn’t opened Signal for >month. He’s not responding to anything else either so he’s either depressed or blocked+done with me.

Edit: I’ll know when it comes birthday time. I’m not a Bridezilla about birthdays but it would be unusual for him to not wish me one. He’s never not done so. I’ll have my answer when that happens 🙏 (namaste) If he wants to be a dick about it and leave me in the dark totally those days are fortunatley numbered :/

Edit: we’re white and very (North)-American.

  • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
    7 months ago

    I’m just emotionally detaching from it. He felt that was necessary for him so I fee it necessary to limit my exposure to folks who do that kinda thing. I don’t allow people to play tiddlywinks with my emotions and friendship like that so in my way, I’m grateful he finally confirmed his cowardice and flakiness (i know, unemotional, amirite? Work in progress ;)

      7 months ago

      I would say that there can be many reasons for a persons absence in you life. But in this absence we can also see our own fears.

      I am literally slightly ignoring someone whose uncanny birthdy is today. A person from the comments said it. some people reduce their circle when it gets tough. For me, i find it hard to be person right now. Every single day is the make or break of my life. Massive debt, constant house of cards feeling.

      I recieved a message, she said it’s her birthday. I look at my personal calender, i reply, yes it is, what you want me to do about it.

      I was rude. I know that someone really cares and it’s her birthday even, why not just be nice?

      Then again if someone is willin to force quit a friend just because they are absent is just having trust issues. And as someone who is still my best friend to this day once said. “you don’t just throw this away.”

      • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
        7 months ago

        I honestly hate when people try to nudge you into recognizing their birthday. Its like “we can’t upset the Beavis” and its like, fuck off. If I feel close to you and you’re in my program, I’ll prolly get around to it assuming you haven’t ruined it by soliciting.

        People who do that get a wish at 11:59pm lol and next time they do it I stop completely because they got it covered for me so well :) People who obsess about dates like that are an enormous turnoff to me, whether its family or friendz

        U took away your own upvote eh 😇