How do they even plan on enforcing this? What would possibly be the consequences for either parent or child if they violate?

    1 year ago

    On one hand preventing kids from developing a social media addiciton is good. On the other this law will probably cause a lot of issues. Some issues that i can think of on the spot are:

    1. How exactly do you verify age. Kids can just lie about it and social media platforms requiring a national ID is a stupidly bad idea just from the privacy concerns. I don’t want every website to have my ID because:

      A. This would make tracking people between platforms much easier.

      B. One data leak from one website and milions of people have their govt IDs available on-line along with names, phone numbers, e-mail addreses and possibly even addresses (from billing information) and answers to security questions (from posts)

    2. I’m worried that this will cause a lot of social media platforms to go the way that youtube went, ie. no NSFW, swearing or anything even remotly not kid-friendly.