As some subreddits continue blackouts to protest Reddit’s plans to charge high prices for its API, Reddit has informed the moderators of those subreddits that it has plans to replace resistant moderation teams to keep spaces “open and accessible to users.”

Edit, there seems to be conflicting reporting on this issue:

While the company does “respect the community’s right to protest” and pledges that it won’t force communities to reopen, Reddit also suggests there’s no need for that.


  • varx/
    2 years ago

    @coldredlight @rysiek It seems to me that search would be critical. An ideal workflow during a flood might look like:

    1. Search for a particular keyword (or regular expression 🤩)
    2. Multi-select relevant comments
    3. Optionally: Review list of the associated usernames, possibly annotated with account age etc. and allow deselecting any that were accidentally included
    4. One-click ban + remove recent comments of all users in list.