Or the shareholders consider every potential ¢ left on the table (no matter why) the same as losing that money, no matter how much money they’re already making. Que that song from The Greatest Showman:
🎶 All the shine of a thousand spotlights
🎵 All the stars we steal from the nightsky
🎶 Will never be enough
🎵 Never be enough
🎶 Towers of gold are still too little
🎵 These hands could hold the world but it’ll
🎶 Never be enough
🎵 Never be enough
Or the shareholders think the change will make them lose money
Or the shareholders consider every potential ¢ left on the table (no matter why) the same as losing that money, no matter how much money they’re already making. Que that song from The Greatest Showman:
🎶 All the shine of a thousand spotlights 🎵 All the stars we steal from the nightsky 🎶 Will never be enough 🎵 Never be enough 🎶 Towers of gold are still too little 🎵 These hands could hold the world but it’ll 🎶 Never be enough 🎵 Never be enough
🎶 All the shine of a thousand users
🎵 All the money we steal from the sheeple
🎶 Will never be enough
🎵 Never be enough
🎶 Towers of data are still too little
🎵 This mind could track the world but it’ll
🎶 Never be enough
🎵 Never be enough