Lemmy is obviously inspired by Reddit. My map of the fediverse obviously not complete, so I ask myself if there is some free as in free software comparable to a q/a platform like stackoverflow?

  • abbenm@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Strongly agree that this is ripe for federating. I feel like shared knowledge is almost more important to federate than social media stuff because it would be good to allow it to be accessible to everyone.

    Possibly related, possibly not, but it would be great if something like this was done for various common forms of applied knowledge, like public databases of recipes and cooking, and various kinds of crafts and craft making. Like a wiki except for doable things that require nuanced knowledge or process.

    I understand that there are private sites for things like this, like instructables and god knows how many cooking sites, but knowledge posted in a reference format rather than a Q & A format may be a good thing to target as well.