His original post , titled I can’t sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.
His original post , titled I can’t sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.
Because in contemporary times everything is only solved with a weapon in hands by killing others /s
It’s a hell of a lot more significant than an angsty blog post
And it’s okay to talk about people killing other, “it’s the news”, but the moment someone says that maybe the killings should stop, you are all of a sudden “problematic in the workplace/at the dinner table” “with extreme ideas” and “why is everything political to you?”.
And you know that in this economy productivity it’s more valuable than LIFE. It’s not like covid didn’t also teach us that.