Just saw The Shift. It is marketed as a Sci fi flick. It is a heavy handed blatant retelling of Job. It was so hard to sit thru the whole thing. The Sci fi made no sense and all the science was just a tool to preach the message. After it was over I looked up who put it out. The same people who did Sound of Freedom. Totally deceitful. When the story ended, the lead talked to the audience giving a QR code to buy tickets for other people to come and see the message of ‘hope’.

Well I’m here to warn all of you: don’t bother.


  • betterdeadthanreddit@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    If there were no shitty religious movies being made, the God Awful Movies podcast would run out of new material. They need to keep churning this junk out so the Puzzle in a Thunderstorm folks can spin it into gold.