Biggest thinga are IMO save/load for online games and also a rollback of the campaign changes from 1.33.
Though, thinking about the latter: Fucking hell, Blizzard. Fucking. Hell. It should never have come to a situation such as this in the first place!
Basically they should have done what they did with the Starcraft remaster. But they fucked it up.
I don’t understand the hate for reforged. I played it a lot at launch and it was great for me. I honestly only stopped because the player base fell off so finding matches became a chore. The graphics had been updated, the multiplayer/networking had been reworked, and the custom games/world editor had been improved. As far as I could tell it was just an improved version of the game I loved playing years ago and it brought the player base back. People always shit on it saying it was trash but I legitimately don’t understand why or how. There’s obviously something wrong since everyone stopped playing, but I don’t understand what it is unless I just got lucky and didn’t see some crazy bugs or something.
The three biggest (note, not only ) points
-It was patched over previous versions. You can’t play the non-reforged version anymore
-It removed features the previous version had. In particular networking
-It released with desync issues that would randomly drop players from the game. Wc3 doesn’t support rejoin so this basically killed maps depending on how severely they were affected (and note, it even affected normal maps. But custom maps suffered tremendously from this)
Like just given those three points: Why don’t you understand?
The fact you even say that custom games improved just makes me think you’re being dishonest for some reason…because it wasn’t some secret or even rare occurrence. 90% of custom maps were suffering it.
Yanked from the “other” site, section 3.e:
3e. State of the Game FAQ
WTii’s videos Warcraft 3 Reforged ONE YEAR Later… and TWO YEARS Later… as well as THREE YEARS Later… goes over some of these points and makes a number of observations and highlights.