President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed that China would crack down on the production and exporting of fentanyl and the precursor chemicals used to make it, according to media reports.

But while Biden is painting the agreement as a win that will “save lives”, drug policy experts told VICE News they’re skeptical the measure will curb the overdose crisis—and it may make the drug supply worse.

Biden and Xi met Wednesday in San Francisco, where both leaders were in town for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. According to the New York Times, China will go after the exporting of illicit fentanyl into the U.S. and the manufacturing of precursor chemicals, which are being used to make fentanyl and smuggle it into the country from Mexico.

    10 months ago

    They have shittier, cheaper drugs to pump tbh. Various vice documentaries show how redacted ass dealers mix in whatever they can get their hands on. The way third world countries do their drugs might come to the US, and I don’t think anyone has yet to realize how cushy the drug scene really is up here.

    Recent documentary covers a drug called Tusi, which is meant to sound like 2C, as in 2C-B. It is everything except 2C-B. A mixture of fentanyl meth ketamine and whatever they feel like on that day. People absolutely love it. Do they care about what’s really in it? No.

    If you want to end your life and turn it into abhorrent trash, what is stopping you from walking downtown and finding a cool cat in the alley selling horse?

    Personally think the war on drugs is fucked, when you’re talking about stoner Doug. No one deserves the butt of a rifle for pot. But hey, I don’t think anyone minds when the local fent dealer disappears.

      10 months ago

      Hear me out guys.

      As a society, or the one we want at least, we’re supposed to care for each other.

      I personally think they should ramp up the war on opiates. Mass terror on those who enable the illicit use of them. All it does is kill our communities and stifle the flourishing ones.

      Weed was proof that the war on drugs was trash. We know that unlike opiates, smoking pot doesn’t completely reinvent your synapses into a drug seeking rat brain. So we all just collectively decided to throw the whole program away.

      Evidently you can’t stop it from coming in through the borders but I feel like we should enable the seeking of domestic sellers. Just to put them in a nice square box, away from hurting others.

        10 months ago

        I would think we would learn from the first war on drugs. Support of addicts yes, try to police it away no. Counselors not cops.