For the most part, “national security” is the security of the State, and is largely unrelated to the security of the people who live in that State. Since we’re all speaking English here, it’s safe to assume that the States we’re talking about are capitalist ones, so “national security” is for the most part the security of the oligarchs of the State in question.
For my fellow Americans, here are two concrete examples of what I mean:
Those two holes in the middle of New York City are blowback from our national interests in West Asia in the later half of the last century. National interests and national security are not our interests or our security.
National security can largely kiss my ass.
For the most part, “national security” is the security of the State, and is largely unrelated to the security of the people who live in that State. Since we’re all speaking English here, it’s safe to assume that the States we’re talking about are capitalist ones, so “national security” is for the most part the security of the oligarchs of the State in question.
A closely related term is “national interest,” which for the most part is a euphemism for the interests of the country’s billionaires.
It’s the same thing as when people reference “the economy”, when what they are really taking about is the stock market
🛎️🛎️🛎️ Citations Needed podcast: Ep 191: How Media’s Use of ‘The Economy’ Flattens Class Conflict
For my fellow Americans, here are two concrete examples of what I mean:
Those two holes in the middle of New York City are blowback from our national interests in West Asia in the later half of the last century. National interests and national security are not our interests or our security.