I basically have to deal with Indian IT call centers for a living, and I always try (sadly, not always successfully) to frame my exasperation like this: if I got paid what they got paid to do their jobs, and if I had to work the hours that they do, I wouldn’t give a shit about my job, either.
I die a little inside when my coworkers call them stupid. They don’t stop to think that their work culture makes ours in the US seem downright relaxing.
I basically have to deal with Indian IT call centers for a living, and I always try (sadly, not always successfully) to frame my exasperation like this: if I got paid what they got paid to do their jobs, and if I had to work the hours that they do, I wouldn’t give a shit about my job, either.
I die a little inside when my coworkers call them stupid. They don’t stop to think that their work culture makes ours in the US seem downright relaxing.
I’m reminded of my impulse whenever I get a rate-our-service popup: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐💯 Perfect Service! Absolutely Nothing Went Wrong PLEASE DO NOT FIRE ANYONE!