• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So?

    I hate how every game want to compete for current playtime.

    I got way more than money’s worth out of this game, but I haven’t played in over a month. I hope that when I go back to it, there’s still a playerbase.

    But like, the developers planned for at best to get 10% of what they did…

    If they dropped that extra 90%, I don’t see why that should spell the end of the game. It’s the playerbase the game was designed for.

    There’s just this weird “first or worst” mentality with a lot of studios. I hope this game is just given the room to stretch it legs over a decade or so. Something people might not always keep installed on their console, but still download once or twice a year to get some games in.

    Games like that can be a success. Just because a lot of people burnt out doesn’t mean they’ll never play again.

    It’s just games like that don’t maximize investor returns. They want to churn out hits that people play exclusively for 3 months then drop, only to buy the new one next year.

  • I envy woman for being able to walk around with a bag the size of a phone without looking stupid.

    Bruh stop caring what people think and carry a bag if you want.

    I’ll never understand why guys bitch about not being able to do something because it’s not perceived as “manly”.

    If you’re secure in your own masculinity then you wouldn’t give two shits what other people thought about carrying a bag, what you drive, what kind of dog you have, or any of that stuff.

    Don’t worry about projecting the appearance of a confident man. And just be confident in yourself bro.

  • They hit Murfreesboro, Tennessee,

    For those unaware (probably all you Limeys) that’s where Bonnaroo is. It’s one of the biggest music festivals stateside, and probably the closest to what you all have. Although I haven’t been in years or really know what Glastonbury is like these days.

    But its in a very rural area with very conservative locals.

    But the festival itself is obviously very liberal and LGBT friendly.

    Not sure if this is live or very recently filmed, but it’s currently happening right now.

  • and the reputation it has in competitive games

    And it’s also better to turn every graphical option down to zero to max frame rates…

    Realism and “most competitive” rarely go hand and hand.

    It’s like buying a Bentley and complaining about the 0-60 time, what’s “best” depends on what you’re going for.

    While lots of the kids are obsessed with rankings, they don’t actually matter. Matchmaking is going to throw you against people with similar stats, so you can sacrifice realism to be up a little higher, but it doesn’t really matter.

    So lots of older gamers stopped trying to cheese ratings and just play how they enjoy.

    If I have adaptive triggers and maxed graphics at 50 fps, and I’m playing try hards with the graphics of a PS1 and 195 fps, but even with all that they’re playing at my level…

    What changes?

    If I was playing with potatoes graphics and insane fps, I’d just be playing people as good as me that’s also cheesing.

    Hell, if we’re talking "most competitive " why are you even using a controller?

    You’re already sacrificing peak performance if you’re not M&kb

    Using adaptive triggers and good graphics is just an extension of that decision. If you don’t want to, that’s cool. You’ll play slightly better players and get the same w/l record.

    There’s no point in maxing w/l, k/d, or any other stat over someones enjoyment of the game.

  • You don’t understand how much green sucks…

    An intellectual disability is 2 standard deviations from the mean (that’s 30 points).

    For someone that’s 100, about 2% of humans are 30 points lower than them.

    If you’re at the tail of the green?

    Congrats, about 84% of the world’s population is at least 30 points below you. For bonus points, you won’t even know your IQ because it’s like measuring a mile with a foot long ruler. You can get a guesseatimate, but to really measure it just isn’t worth it. A Wechsler would already take 4+ hours to get that high of a score.

    It’s basically Idiocracy. And just like the movie, a lot of the time when you try to explain stuff that sounds basic “don’t use Gatorade on plants” you only get insults and get told plants crave electrolytes.

    Like, people say people in green like drugs because of “novelty seeking behavior”…

    It’s not that, it’s because living in Idiocracy fucking sucks, and there are a couple things that can be done to level the playing field, and most of them are pretty enjoyable too.

    And it’s not even rare. A 145+ IQ is about 1 in 1200 people, that’s about as frequent as people who are trans.

  • Like Nicholas Cage, made more money than most people ever see in their entire lives 40 times over, but spent more than he had. And therefore must do films. His burn rate is quite high. If you were to stop working, he could not maintain his lifestyle.


    Dude can’t stop working, because he can’t stop buying literal castles.

    If he stopped, his lifestyle would change greatly.

    But hed still be considered upper class to 99.999% of people by modern definitions. Because to a normal person owning triple digit castles makes no sense and they’d just sell them and retire.

    It’s lifestyle creep to an extreme example.

    Most people, can leverage that, to make enough money to support their lifestyle, but there are ones who can’t.

    I really had high hopes for that Gentleman show, but it just wasn’t that great.

    Exactly what you’re talking about about though.

    The way upper/middle/lower gets split up depends where you’re at on the spectrum

    Pretty much everyone (even Blanchet) view themselves as “middle class” because no matter how much wealth/power they have, chances are in social situations the people they interact with are half higher and half lower.

    Even world leaders spend a lot of time with other world leaders.

    Most powerful person in their country, but spends time with people in the same position but for a larger/wealthier/more powerful country.

    It’s just basic psychology, we evaluate if we have “enough” by what the people next to us have. Give a kid a candy bar and they’re happy till you give the next kid 10, suddenly the first stops thinking of themselves as “candy rich” and start thinking theyre “candy broke”.

    We look at Blanchets haul of candy and think it’s insane amount, but we have so little shed never even think to compare herself to us. We’re outside her frame of reference for what “enough” candy is. And she assumes it’s just a little less so we’re kind of close.

  • It’s the same way the bourgeois were “middle class” before the French revolution.

    They were the 1%, just not the 0.1%

    Everyone else was so much poorer, that they got lumped together whether they lived on the streets or had steady work and a home and could support a family comfortably.

    So in a way, yeah, she’s right.

    She’s the 1%, but because wealth inequality is so out of hand again, that’s kind of middle class again.

    When people hear “middle class” it’s easy to think “average” but that’s not how it’s being used.

    It’s more about wealth distribution when used like she’s using it.

    When you start bringing “royalty” into it, no amount of money gets you into that demographic. You could have more money than a duke, but you’re still not a duke. At least unless the king/queen starts selling titles again.

    At that point it becomes less about wealth, and more about legal power.

    She bougie as fuck by any definition, but there’s a way to view what she said as rational, you just got to think of it like you’re a world famous millionaire who still isn’t at the top of the food chain. Miles ahead of any random person, but she doesn’t hang out with random people, in the crowds she runs in, she’s middle of the pack.