List of majors being cut or consolidated at Miami University:

  • American Studies.
  • Art History.
  • Classical Studies.
  • Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.
  • French.
  • French Education.
  • German.
  • German Education.
  • Health Communication.
  • Health Information Technology.
  • Italian Studies.
  • Latin American Studies.
  • Latin Education.
  • Religion.
  • Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
  • Spanish Education.
  • Social Justice Studies.
  • Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    1 year ago

    Sure, but majoring in art history at Duke University is the classic example of a major problem with education.

    That person will never be able to repay the loan and neither should even an extremely government subsidized education program support more than a handful of people in that field.

    Most of these are “liberal arts” in the extremely classical, Greek sense: they are for people who will never need to work for a living.

    It’s sad that we can’t have this, but what does one do with an art history degree? There’s a few jobs, but not that many, and they certainly don’t pay for tuition at Duke University.