Saw a post like this on Reddit once and I thought some of the responses were quite interesting.

I collect all sorts of stuff from vinyl records and vintage game consoles to Harley-Davidson dealer t-shirts.

I’m curious about what some of you guys collect, the weirder the better :D

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago

    One email address per email website, so about a dozen. Actually this is useful because some websites, when signing up for them, invalidate some email providers due to spammers flocking to certain ones. A few email addresses are personal, a few I actively use for different websites (the ones that are least likely to be marked as spam), and a few I keep as backup; equal numbers for all three. Ironically the email addresses which are associated with the providers people use for spamming are the ones which themselves are the least likely to receive spam; depending on the email address, the number ranges between no spam a day to a dozen spam letters a day.

    It’s a habit that grew on me; I had a habit of branching out and I guess you could say a catch-22 formed. Lots of time to reflect without others which turned into the discovery that I want this aspect of me as long as possible. in this sense, having a world record is like having a kid. Each account of mine online links to others and forms a web, and along the way, it begins to speak for itself.