“Howdy” for me. I’m from and live in the Northeast.
Started saying it ironically on work calls to break up the monotony of saying “Hey” when the host joined the meeting and said hello. It was pretty much just a joke at first. Now it’s about 50% of what I say in response to someone joining the meeting saying hello.
Honestly, I kind of like it. It’s folksy, friendly, simple, and informal. It’s slipped out a couple of times when guests arrive at a family party and are walking in the door and saying their hellos, but it’s mostly relegated to work meetings.
A few of my coworkers have even started doing it occasionally, so it seems like it’s catching on.
I’m from the south and have fully embraced it in my vocabulary. I say howdy, I thank people kindly, and I call groups of guys fellas (or fellers, if I’m feeling like channeling Butters from South Park).
“Howdy” for me. I’m from and live in the Northeast.
Started saying it ironically on work calls to break up the monotony of saying “Hey” when the host joined the meeting and said hello. It was pretty much just a joke at first. Now it’s about 50% of what I say in response to someone joining the meeting saying hello.
Honestly, I kind of like it. It’s folksy, friendly, simple, and informal. It’s slipped out a couple of times when guests arrive at a family party and are walking in the door and saying their hellos, but it’s mostly relegated to work meetings.
A few of my coworkers have even started doing it occasionally, so it seems like it’s catching on.
Howdy sounds cowboy-ish, and cowboys are cool!
Edit: grammar
And sexy
Depends if they are good, bad or ugly
I’m just trying to save a horse
I started saying ‘thank ya kindly’ in the same ironic way in work meetings. And now it is my default phrase for saying thank you…
Thankee sai is a fun one because either they are Dark Tower fans or they think you have something tremendously wrong with you.
I did the same thing with “thanks much”/“thank ya much” and now it’s my thing… gotta love it
I’m club howdy for sure
Together we can make Howdy happen
I’m from the south and have fully embraced it in my vocabulary. I say howdy, I thank people kindly, and I call groups of guys fellas (or fellers, if I’m feeling like channeling Butters from South Park).