(x-post from /r/linux)

  • Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
    3 年前

    Kinda disappointed they shot down Fedora so quickly, that’s my favorite distro! I don’t think I’ve ever used a distro that “just worked” better than Fedora. I love that it does not adulterate packages with distro-specific theming, presets, or libraries / dependencies (eg. Livav), etc. that is relatively common practice on ubuntu-based distros. I’m going to change the default theme and settings anyway, so I’d rather use software untouched from upstream as much as possible to enjoy better stability and compatibility. Fedora packages are pretty much untouched from upstream and between rpmfusion, copr, and flatpak I have never encountered a third-party package that wasn’t easy to find and install.

    If there’s a bug or incompatibility RedHat / Fedora is better about committing fixes upstream for all to benefit. This is opposed to Ubuntu who are infamous for having a very “fuck everyone else, we’re doing things our own way” attitude towards upstream, downstream, and the wider community (e.g. Mir).

    Fedora is also the testing ground for RedHat / CentOS / RockyLinux which are the big enterprise Linux distros. Support and stability are paramount for RedHat, so in my experience it was always easy to find well-written documentation, and software compatibility with RedHat distros is really really good. Plus, the man, myth, and legend himself is a long-time Fedora user.