How do I read this?
1 2 3 4 6 5
It’s versatile. Swap 5 and 6, and it still works.
It’s so versatile you can swap anything other than 1 and still works
Start with the top-left and end with the bottom right. You can read the others in any order and the meme still makes sense. It’s a whole new lifestyle.
Gray sweater first then work your way up and down
Isn’t that just an ordinary meme with extra steps?
You say banana, I say banana, …
Kramer you beautiful bastard, you’ve done it.
They said it couldn’t be done, but here it is.
It’s like a ski lodge in here.
What will the meme scientists think of next?
How to make new Loss in this format.
I could actually follow! Impressive! It saves vertical space to.
deleted by creator
How do I read this?
Start top left, freestyle, end bottom right.
It’s… wild.
Can’t be bothered to add that much complexity to my memes.
I came here to ask the same question, and this is the perfect answer.
Thank you kind internet person.
This is a meme about nothing
Did you want to become my butler?
It’s a meta-meme
hell yeah, advanced memes
One small step for a meme, one giant leap for memekind
Thanks OP. Im gonna do it. The pizza format only works sometimes, but this shit is revolutionary.
We’ll done!
Hahahahaha this is pure gold
I like this, I approve