Does anyone know any good games where you kill fascist CIA and US army scum? Ideally as a Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter or as a soldier of a socialist country. Otherwise, games where you fight US puppets like Israel as say a Palestinian freedom fighter are also more than welcome.
Spec ops: The Line, though you do also kill civilians sadly.
Empire: Total War has the american revolution, which you can handliy crush.
Battlefield 1942 has a nazi campaign, though uhhh, you’d be playing as the nazis so.
Prototype was a sort of spider-man like game, but you could just go murder the army.
The new Wolfenstein games take place in the US.
If you’re into strategy games then Command and Conquer.
Red Orchestra 2 is about the Great Patriotic War, where you can play as the Red Army against the Wehrmacht. You are probably thinking about Rising Storm 2, from the same publisher, where you can play as North Vietnam against the US invaders.
It also has a skin with a Nazi officer. From SS if I’m not mistaken.
Lmao I did that. There’s a funny thing you can do:
steal the visage of a blackwatch officer
locate military base
move to high ground overlooking said base
call in the airstrike
It’s in civvies though, so I guess the devs thought it was “okay”
I thought the guy was a traitor? Though from what I half remember it was more opportunistic than principle.
He’s only pretended to turn for opportunistic reasons, but was in fact the bloke in charge of the whole missile project the protag is seeking
Uh, I don’t think helping an empire suppress it’s colonial uprising is what the OP had in mind.
I know, I also recommended a game that lets them fight as the fucking nazis - I was just trying to answer their question on games that allowed you to fight americans.
Empire: Total war is rigged weirdly though, so any revolution in the americas will be the USA.
Played as the Iroquis and got it once.