There is a machine learning bubble, but the technology is here to stay. Once the bubble pops, the world will be changed by machine learning. But it will probably be crappier, not better.

What will happen to AI is boring old capitalism. Its staying power will come in the form of replacing competent, expensive humans with crappy, cheap robots.

AI is defined by aggressive capitalism. The hype bubble has been engineered by investors and capitalists dumping money into it, and the returns they expect on that investment are going to come out of your pocket. The singularity is not coming, but the most realistic promises of AI are going to make the world worse. The AI revolution is here, and I don’t really like it.

      1 year ago

      Extra spicy take: The Luddites were right. They were really always about opposing unethical use of technology, people who use their name as an insult were always all about “progress over people”, and you should never feel bad for being called a Luddite.

      1 year ago

      Why are they so threatening?

      Simple example: A lot of artists would like that their images aren’t used for AI training and would like to have legislation to prevent that. Problem with that is that such legislation would grand a monopoly on AI to the Google’s, Facebook’s and Adobe’s of this world, as they are already sitting on mountains of data and have ToS that allows them to use it for training. Any Open Source project that doesn’t have the data and would need to web scraping would be illegal.

      That’s the issue. A lot of criticism on AI is extremely short sighted and ignorant, often not even understanding the very basics how it all works.

      Another more fundamental problem: What are you going to do? AI is just a collection of algorithms and math. Do you want to outlaw math? Force humans to use less efficient tools? Technological progress is not something you can easily control, especially not in advance when you don’t even know what changes it will bring.

      Imagine if we had taken an extra five minutes before embracing Facebook and all the other social media that came to define “Web2.0.”

      We did and nothing ever came of it. Projects like or have been around for a decade or two. But the masses want convinience.

      1 year ago

      What are those people doing to you?

      There are definitely people who are harmed by FUD like this. For example the current writers strike, which has 11,000 people putting down tools… indefinitely shutting down global movie productions that employ millions of people and leaving them unemployed for who knows how long.

          1 year ago

          I don’t have anything against you or your colleagues. You’ve got every right to strike if that’s what you want to do.

          But there are millions of people being harmed by the strike. That’s a simple fact.

          Journalists/etc need to do their job and provide good balanced information on critical issues like this one. FUD like the article posted here just inflames the debate and eliminates any chance of reason. PS: while I’m not a writer, I do have close friends who are.

      1 year ago

      Not everything anti-Ai is luddite, some is just poorly thought through or downright incorrect, this is absolutely a luddite take