As a proud GNU/ArchHat Ubungentoo Linux user, I disagree. I need others to know and agree with my choice of distribution, desktop environment, shell (POSIX sh btw), untained patched kernel, AMD graphics card, and IDE (vim obvs). How else would I get to feel like I’m more woke than other users both inside and outside my fandom?
Parody aside: It’s one thing to politely discuss your software choices with other people to help them find things they haven’t tried before. It’s another to proselytize like a self-righteous prick.
Linux isn’t about the fandom, though. If someone is interested in a third option for OS, they will seek Linux because that’s what it is, not because the fandom attracted them to it.
As a Linux user myself, it saddens me to see how much the Linux fandom is invalidating itself with its aggressive attitude.
As a proud GNU/ArchHat Ubungentoo Linux user, I disagree. I need others to know and agree with my choice of distribution, desktop environment, shell (POSIX sh btw), untained patched kernel, AMD graphics card, and IDE (vim obvs). How else would I get to feel like I’m more woke than other users both inside and outside my fandom?
Parody aside: It’s one thing to politely discuss your software choices with other people to help them find things they haven’t tried before. It’s another to proselytize like a self-righteous prick.
Linux isn’t about the fandom, though. If someone is interested in a third option for OS, they will seek Linux because that’s what it is, not because the fandom attracted them to it.