• neatchee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If your employer tries to convince you not to take days off; if you’re employer doesn’t say “okay” when you ask as long as you’ve given the handbook-defined required notice; if they punish you for taking time off; if you are required to put your foot down and take the day off even if you think you might be retaliated against for it: then your company is an absolute shit show and you need to run for the hills.

    Your post is victim blaming at its finest. We accommodate requests for accrued time off without question because we have no idea what they are going through and we have no right to pry into it. If their unavailability causes significant harm to the company that is a STAFFING problem, not a problem with the person talking the time off.

    • Will_Not_Grow_Up@lemmy.worldB
      1 year ago

      I am not victim blaming when it comes to what LMG did, they should pay for everything they did, but come on, no normal person is going to slice up a part of their body for a day off work. That screams mental illness.

      I really do feel bad for her, but when I hear stuff like that, I don’t know how any employer or coworker or friend or even family member is prepared to handle something like that. What do you even say to that? It makes me start asking questions, like what else was she doing for a day off work?

      • Magnor@lemmy.magnor.ovhOP
        1 year ago

        Of course it screams mental illness. This is what happens where people are harassed and belittled constantly. Mental trouble can be and often is caused by external factors. It is called trauma. I’ve experienced trauma. It makes you do stuff that “screams mental illness” because of course you are not well. You are actively being destroyed from the inside.

      • neatchee@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You are suggesting that the symptom of her abuse is the cause of her suffering. It’s completely backwards. When you put people in an impossible situation and then wave away the things they do to keep control of their life as mental illness you’re not only victim blaming, you’re demeaning those of us with mental health issues.

        Would I have handled it that way? Probably not. But you can’t arm-chair diagnose someone with mental health problems just because you don’t understand or identify with their choices. It’s not right.