This guy has never heard of quantum ducks
Is a single cell within a duck a duck or is it itself not a duck?
What you didn’t know is that the universe is mostly ducks. Dark matter? More like duck matter!
Duck Tales? More like Everything Tales!
What about half a duck?
How crispy we talking?
On the internet, no one can tell you’re a duck.
Fewer than 5% of adult cats have a driver’s license.
Makes sense to me
There’s a linear algebra joke that can complement this one and goes like this:
Everything in the universe is either a duck or not a duck, but almost everything that is not a duck, if examined very closely or in really short time intervals, it behaves as a duck and you can apply duck methods to it.
Mathematical constructivists hate this meme
Now this is science.
This is where the science begins
What about a platypus? It could be considered part/half-duck. Or even duck-like!
Wait. Could Quantum ducks in a superposition state exist? And how would those be a duck or not?
This wouldnt work because if quantums are grouped together they lose their quantum properties. Thus a duck in a superposition can unfortunately not exist :)
Source? I’ll continue to believe in my quantum super-duck until proven otherwise!
Schrödingers duck
wrong. duck fetus