Lemmy is booming

I have never before received so many reactions and comments on my Lemmy posts before, so it’s obvious to see, that there are many new members here.
Welcome to all the new! And I’m looking forward to see more of you here.

  • @that_one_guy@lemmy.ml
    5811 months ago

    The Reddit exodus has begun! My only regret is not learning about lemmy and the fediverse before things blew up over there.

    • @goddard_guryon@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      As one of the emigredditors, hell yeah! Personally though, I’m still testing the waters and making myself more comfortable here; it’s eerily quiet here as compared to reddit, but I hope it’s just a matter of time :)

      • @that_one_guy@lemmy.ml
        1311 months ago

        Yes there’s definitely a need for more users to really make things take off, but I believe that’s a matter of time, assuming reddit doesn’t take a fairly large change of course in the near future. Got to say, it feels a lot more friendly than reddit has lately.

        • @goddard_guryon@lemmy.ml
          911 months ago

          Definitely, especially as someone who always felt a little reserved while writing comments in large subs, talking in a smaller community feels a little more welcoming (・ω<) I’m not too hopeful about reddit’s decision making either, even though I see a lot of subs planning a strike in protest to their latest policy

        • Tretiak
          1011 months ago

          I prefer Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification.”

            • @Nechesh@beehaw.org
              611 months ago

              Yes it’s been declining for quite some time. There’s new good things in smaller subs too, but the “all” feed and most popular ones have become unbearable.

              • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
                411 months ago

                The problem with reddit comes from the top. The APIocolypse is just the latest symptom of core degradation. There’s also the rampant abuse of power by mods on some of the most popular subs, the far right/fascists and homophobic/transphobic rhetoric going unpunished by a lot of mods but then coming down on the people who push back against it, the massive influx of bot activity etc etc etc.

                Reddit, while being more popular than ever, is now a rotten husk of the beautiful dream it used to be…

    • Have people been clearing out their reddit comment and post history on the way out the door?

      I used power delete suite on my 10 year old account. Figuring that when API access gets shut off old.reddit and the ability to edit and delete old comments will go too.

      • Rentlar
        511 months ago

        I haven’t gotten rid of my content and don’t plan to. I had a good six years signed up with Reddit. Some of my comments include tech support and advice. Sure, I’ve had heated arguments and swore at times but I’m happy to keep what I have so that people don’t get confused looking at old historical threads.