We are looking for someone who would be willing to provide a build server for Lemmy’s continuous integration. This is used to ensure that new changes and pull requests pass all the checks, and that the code is written well. At the moment we are using a small VPS for this purpose (2 vCPU, 2 GB RAM). This works but is quite slow, and can slow down the development process with unnecessary waiting times.

For this reason we are looking for a community member with a spare server or computer, who would be willing to provide it as a build server. There are no specific hardware requirements, but the faster the better. The build server has to run 24/7 and run the Drone Docker Runner. The setup is very easy, especially if your machine is already running docker. If you have such a server and are willing to provide it, please comment below with the specs.

Additionally we are also looking for an ARM builder, so that we can provide official releases for this platform as well. Note that some Raspberry Pi models seem unable to build Lemmy (our 4GB memory builder failed), so please try if the compilation works on your device. If you can provide an ARM builder, also comment below with the specs.

  • @fit6529@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Do you receive donations? If no, consider it. It will be simpler to buy what’s needed (vps, for example) yourselves.

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOPM
      1 year ago

      On this page you donation options. However renting a fast vps is generally very expensive, so selfhosting is much more cost effective. That needs some time and to setup and manage though. As we already host a number of different servers, it would be helpful if someone else could manage this one.