• Dessalines
    22 years ago

    They’ve made privacy part of their brand, so they do a lot of stunts like this to get some cred. If they didn’t do these stunts, they’d risk having as bad a reputation on privacy as facebook or microsoft, which they’re actively trying to avoid.

    In reality tho they were one of the first to sign up to the NSA’s prism program, and every one of their privacy claims is completely unverifiable; all their services are centralized and closed source.

    • @sibachian@lemmy.ml
      -12 years ago

      honestly, it doesn’t matter if we can’t verify their privacy claims (unless you use their services). what matters is they’re screwing with the big guys money. facebook. spotify. NSO. these are good things to mess with. the fact that they made it their brand, just means there is more to come. that benefits us.

      • Dessalines
        12 years ago

        Apple is one the big guys. They are I think the highest market cap company in the US. I don’t know why many people fall for their “underdog” propo.

        • @sibachian@lemmy.ml
          -12 years ago

          I’ve never heard of anyone thinking of them as an underdog post-iPhone days. Certainly during the Microsoft era, but not now. Regardless,

          they’re the only megacorp that isn’t entirely evil from the ground up.