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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I was also a Elon skeptic back-then, but I’ll admit I did get a kick out of the “don’t panic” dashboard.

    But golly does he read H2G2 completely wrong (transcript):

    I think and it highlighted an important point which is that a lot of times the question is harder than the answer. And if you can properly phrase the question, then the answer is the easy part. So, to the degree that we can better understand the universe, then we can better know what questions to ask. Then whatever the question is that most approximates: what’s the meaning of life? That’s the question we can ultimately get closer to understanding. And so I thought to the degree that we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness and knowledge, then that would be a good thing.

    It’s backwards! It misses the joke! It took thousands of years and they got a nonsensical answer before any question! It took a thousand more and they got a nonsensical—incompatible—question! It has been theorized that should someone understand the universe it would be replaced by something more complicated! It has also been theorized this has already happened! Also regarding scale of knowledge, Trin Tragula definetly showed that the One thing you can’t afford to have in this universe, is a sense of perspective!

    Surely his reading comprehension isn’t actually this bad, and he only got a bad meme-cliffnotes version of the radio-series/books/movies!?!

  • How nice it must be to never ponder how large humanity is, and how each and every person you see outside has a full and rich interior and exterior world, and you that only see a tiny fraction of the people outside.

    Personally one of my “oh other people are real!” moment, was when our parents (along with my sisters) took us on a surprise ferry trip to England (from France) and our grandparents that—at least as far as kid me remembered—we only ever saw in their home city, were waiting for us in Portsmouth, and we visited the city together (Portsmouth Historic Dockyard is quite nice btw).

    I knew they were real, but realizing that they weren’t geo-locked, made me more fully internalize that they had full and independent lives, and therefore that everyone had.

    How about people here? When did you realize people are real?

  • Après l’anglais à des soucis que l’on a pas en français:

    Les déterminants possessifs, sont marqués avec le genre de la personne plutôt que celui (grammatical) de l’objet: “His comment” ou “Her comment” = “Son commentaire” (Bon c’est vrai, même les transphobes utiliseraient “their” lorsque le genre est ambigu).

    Là ou en France il y a une tendance à féminiser les noms de métiers ou occupation, il y a en anglais il y a une tendance à les masculiniser/neutraliser. Example l’usage de “She is an actor” devient plus fréquent (voir ici).

    Utiliser l’un ou l’autre est un compromis à faire sur comment exactement traiter les gens de façon équitable, faut-il effacer les différence, donner un même titre “plus prestigieux” à l’autre genre, ou reconnaître un place a part entière aux deux genres ? Surtout quand on sait qu’une grosse part du bousin que l’on a en français c’est en grande partie dû à un effort delibéré de masculinisation (explicitement anti-femme) au 17ème siècle.

    C’est pas si évident que ça. Abolir le genre pourquoi pas, mais ça ne doit pas s’accompagner par une marginalisation des femmes.