That’s actually quite rare here to sentence someone to life. Not even murderers…
This would be gold
Yes, that’s Why I have signed it
You think there is no city/rural division here? We have to be big to counter other big guys like you and china
I’ve signed it, but I also thing that the ”EU” is a much better name.
Have you thanked elin today?
A very good decision
Nah. There’s more to it than just this nicely sounding sentence
I hate it when THEY bend OUR knees.
Almost all languages have a very big number of words derived from Latin or French. For example Polish, which is a slavic language, has so many of Latin or French rooted words.
Esperanto apart, I think that German should be the language od Europe, because is it simply the biggest language of the EU. It is also precise. Ofc it could get simplified, because for many der/die/das is too complicated or it is too much of a hustle to remember. German could get more logical with them and then it should be no problem for everyone.
We could also think about regianal lingua-francas. For example, it could be this way that in the region of romance languages, everyone would speak French, in the region of germanic - German and in the region of slavic - Polish. Simply the biggest languages in a given region.
The funniest one but also kind of interesting would be Latin. #useLatin
As it should.
I am no French, but I am a European. Vive la Republique
Not my Petition. I agree that it could have been better But this is the only big one we have
It is idiotic. But at least it has woken up Europe