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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yeah, and I can’t speak for everyone here, but I didn’t even bother trying it even though I was intrigued. It seemed like the kind of thing that could be completely game-changing and I wasn’t willing to get hooked on another Googler’s pet project that’d just get the axe in a few years. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy at this point, nothing new is likely to get any traction because no one wants to run the risk and then Google cancels it. If they were willing to put in writing that they’ll support something for x number of years (that’s end user facing, not just whatever contracts they make with devs or whatever), it’d probably go a long way, but they’re not willing to support an expensive flop if the product is what actually sucks, so, they’re not likely to do that.

    Hell, even anything older still runs the risk at any time :-\

  • When I installed fdroid from their website a month or two back it was like 2 or 3 clicks. Then whenever I want to install anything from there it’s an extra click or two over what it would be from Play.

    I’ve seen people click through way more complicated processes than this without even knowing they did it. Modern computing has taught people to just keep hitting whatever the approval text is (yes windows, I really do want to copy all of these god damn files. Yes, really, I still do! Yep, again, ALL of them!)

  • Yup, my last 2 MBP laptops have been from a junk pile and came to me free/cheap from a buddy who was able to grab a bunch.

    All in all, everything I do on a laptop is in a webui, a terminal or within a remote VM so I mostly dgaf about what it can natively run, but the hardware is great and it can load the nix (and brew) package managers, so I really haven’t found much that I want it to do that it can’t. Hell, even games I can just Steam Link to another machine and play if I want.

    My last job was disposing of a 2021 model and I was dumb enough to ask if I could have it rather than just taking it and got told no … Sold for scrap by the pound! I could have left a 10$ bill in it’s place and theyd have gotten more profit, fucking ridiculous.

  • Conversely, I think that every program should have a way to operate it from the command line and the GUI can just needlessly get in the way a lot of the time `¯_(ツ)_/¯
    You write a command once and you can do whatever you want with it, repeatably, forever. It’s fantastic! You can then pipe the results into a completely different program all without needing to do much of anything! Want to run it on a schedule? Easy! Want to send the exact parameters you used to someone else? Easy! Want to copy and paste the exact output? Easy! Want to get a daily email with the results? Easy!
    Some things are better with a GUI, but, plenty don’t need it.
    With all that said, I understand why a dev who didn’t build their program with CLI in mind wouldn’t want to go in afterwards and add it in, especially if they don’t use/like CLI interfaces.

    I’ve seen similar arguments to yours that every program should have be packaged as an exe, because fuck those fucking programmers thinking I should need to install python to make their shitty programs work. The devs are like “I don’t use Windows and wouldn’t even know how to package it as an exe and even then, I wouldn’t even be able to test that it works, python just works for everyone” and then the guy just continues to go off on a similar rant to yours about how ridiculous this is.

    Besides, even if it had a GUI, the complaint would be “why don’t they make their software do the things that people want it to do‽‽‽” and then going off about how easy this {insanely complicated thing} would be to add in and EVERYONE {nope, just you} needs this function in order for this software to be useful and the dev is just a POS for not adding it.

    Like, I get your point if you’re paying for software that doesn’t make it clear it doesn’t have a GUI, but if you’re just on github using someone elses software that they made for themselves and thought other people might like, why are you bitching? Just move on to another piece of software that can do what you want and has a GUI (I’m going to guess you can’t/won’t because those cost money and you wouldn’t be able to belittle and harass the actual software creators and that’s half the fun for you).

  • Name of the room + number.

    I’ll give the human readable name a bit more info like if it’s a fan (then it’s ‘Kitchen Fan 1’, ‘Kitchen Fan 2’, etc…), but I’ll usually make a group and expose the group to voice and the group would be based on the human name (Kitchen Fan). For most rooms though, I only really care about the room itself, so, “turn off the kitchen lights” is all that’s really needed and that’s handled by the zones.

  • We had two of the dumb versions in the kitchen and I was forbidden to install anything smart in there until I found something similar. Then a year later, they made the smart version.

    10/10 would recommend, it’s expensive since you’ll also need a hub, but I’ve had less issues with them than my Hue’s at this point.

    I’ve got a z-wave dimmer and every now and then it’ll just flip out and start dimming the light for no reason (goes to 1% and then rises to 100%) and needs to be power cycled to fix.
    I’ve got my Kasa dimmers, but they just feel cheap. I’ve started hiding those away for locations they’re not really needed to be touched (attic lights, closet lights, etc…)

    OP – I would whole heartedly second @lemming741 's recommendation. They’re very good and very intuitive to use in a non-smart fashion as well.

    ETA: I’ve had internet die and they continued working as well.

  • Right?! I was way more conservative in my teens and have gone way further to the left and less conservative as I’ve aged.

    “When you buy a house you’ll understand” … yeah, nope, maybe it’s the fact that it took 3 of us to buy the house instead of ONE salary being able to, but, nope - still not a crazy jackass who has no empathy just to keep my property taxes low.

    ETA: Gen Z is great. I love the no fucks given attitude in the workplace and they’re a fucking inspiration.

  • I’d say support, whether it be official or unofficial is a thing you didn’t mention.

    Try googling any printer you’re looking at + any random common error (not sticking to bed, not heating up, slicer options, etc…) and see what kind of results pop up and if they look helpful.
    Look up parts costs and see how they look and if they’re proprietary or not.
    See if there are official maintenance recommendations, etc…,

    One of my printers is one that has ZERO support from the community and what you can get from the manufacturer is limited and it kind of sucks when I have problems with it.

    Enders for all their faults at least have an insane community support (note: in 2024 I would never recommend an Ender 3/5 as a first printer).

    My most reliable printer is a Qidi Smart-3 … vendor support has been great and the Facebook groups for it have been good too. The downsides: z-offset is manual & it’s 185x185 which is pretty tiny and it’s a bit of a pain to change the filament.
    Upsides: core xy, fast, reliable, klipper
    From what I’ve seen though, quality control is hit or miss, but the manufacturer seems to take care of you, so YMMV, mine hasn’t had problems that weren’t self induced.

  • I think aliens would be horrified by so many things we do (or don’t do!) that wearing an entertainment device on your face wouldn’t even break the top 100.

    ETA: The guy in the cyber truck though. That might get shown as an example in some of the other items in their list.