Didn’t even know that sort of site was a thing. I do have a few kits I want to pass onto people who will be able to use them. Thanks!
Didn’t even know that sort of site was a thing. I do have a few kits I want to pass onto people who will be able to use them. Thanks!
How do you like the MTNU? How’s the height compared to CYL, any transition mistype(s)? Lovely setup really.
If it’s anything like their mini pc business, it can be hit and miss - best to wait a bit. Seems their business model (at least on the pc side) is to pump out the latest trend and move on and not really fix any issues that crops up. Also they are based out of china so you might have to eat the shipping cost for any “fix”.
Always liked Susuwatari but could never get myself comfortable with MT3 profile. So glad for the reminder, placed an order - finally going to get my own set of Susuwatari, thanks!
I’ll toss another silent tactile into the ring: Durock Shrimp tactiles. I use Zilent 62g, U4 62g, and Shrimps interchangeably and like them the most for the consistency(least spring pings/scratchiness), smoothness, and bump.
Mayo (and creamy dressings, to most extent). It’s on by default for most of the things I like when eating out, especially fast food.
You’re right. I had a brainfart and confused that bt function would be disabled without battery. And you wanted a hard switch, sorry.
You would need a pcb with matching mounting style, and with a jst connector for the daughter board - will be tough. That said, you should be able to use the board without the BT, just don’t install a battery and use 100% wired as you want.
It might not be a device/iOS issue? Have had the same number for about 20 years through Cingular/AT&T and was getting calls on a regular basis, particularly bad leading up to and during covid era (3-4 per day). Ported same number to tmobile earlier this year and spam calls have dropped to maybe one every other week - at most. My take then is that depending on your carrier screening or not pairing with carriers initiating the spam calls.
Right, but does the instruction include how much soap to add? hehe
The question becomes, if you feel that the fruits need to be washed with soap - should you really be eating it?
I’m going to against the grain a bit. If you liked and want the oldschool Thinkpad feel, look into getting a Topre board. Check out Leopold or Niz, both are decent topre clone brands.
Also, if you live in a metro area check and see if there’s a mechanical board gathering, possibly giving you a broader flavor of what’s out there that might fit your taste.